Just wanted to preface this by saying while I do have a basic understanding, I am still fairly new to using Bigquery tables and sql statements in general.
I am trying to make a new view out of a query that grabs all of the best test scores for each version by each employee:
select emp_id,version,max(score) as score from `project.dataset.table` where type = 'assessment_test' group by version,emp_id order by emp_id
I'd like to take the results of that query, and make a new table comprised of employee id's with a column for each versions best score for that rows emp_id. I know that I can manually make a table for each version by including a "where version = a", "where version = b", etc.... and then joining all of the tables at the end but that doesn't seem like the most elegant solution plus there is about 20 different versions in total.
Is there a way to programmatically create a column for each unique version or at the very least use my initial query as maybe a subquery and just reference it, something like this:
with a as (
select id,version,max(score) as score
from `project.dataset.table`
where type = 'assessment_test' and version is not null and score is not null and id is not null
group by version,id
order by id),
version_a as (select score from a where version = 'version_a')
version_b as (select score from a where version = 'version_b')
version_c as (select score from a where version = 'version_c')
a.id as id,
version_a.score as version_a,
version_b.score as version_b,
version_c.score as version_c
In case if versions is not known in advance - use below
execute immediate (select '''
select * from your_table
pivot (max(score) score for version in (''' || string_agg(distinct "'" || version || "'") || "))"
from your_table