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Did anyone understand the chat program source code (VC MFC)?


The MFC application is how to realize the function of personal Settings in the options users face?? Detailed points, trouble to inform, hope my side not achieve them, drop-down list is empty, a rookie, hope to understand people glad, online, etc.,

CodePudding user response:

Search "high imitation QQ MFC"

CodePudding user response:

Need the ListBox

CodePudding user response:

refer to the second floor xiaohuh421 response:
need custom painting ListBox
this is combox ah!

CodePudding user response:

reference yingjifeng6468 reply: 3/f
Quote: refer to the second floor xiaohuh421 response:

Need a custom painting ListBox
this is combox,

Sorry, wrong, it is the combobox

CodePudding user response:

reference 4 floor xiaohuh421 response:
Quote: reference yingjifeng6468 reply: 3/f

Quote: refer to the second floor xiaohuh421 response:

Need a custom painting ListBox
this is combox,

Sorry, wrong, that is, since the draw combobox
how to custom painting?????? I see someone else's source code have AdvCombox CPP and AdvCombox h, but open to, and without any handler,,,

CodePudding user response:

MingQQ v1.0 high copy version _ source code

CodePudding user response:

reference 4 floor xiaohuh421 response:
Quote: reference yingjifeng6468 reply: 3/f

Quote: refer to the second floor xiaohuh421 response:

Need a custom painting ListBox
this is combox,

Sorry, wrong, that is, since the draw combobox
eldest brother, combox drop-down list control how to display images ahhh?????? Solving, online, etc., is very urgent,

CodePudding user response:

https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/hh298423 (v=versus 85). Aspx

CodePudding user response:

Baidu. Custom painting, after setting the ownerdraw attribute, custom painting the combobox
This case has a complete file to load and display
Although there is no comment, but should be able to read.
Int Index=lpDrawItemStruct - & gt; ItemID.
If (Index>=0)
BODERBMP boder={0};
If (getBoderInfo (boder, Index))
The CDC dc;
Dc. Attach (lpDrawItemStruct - & gt; HDC);
CRect rc=lpDrawItemStruct - & gt; RcItem;

COLORREF bkClr=RGB (255255255);
COLORREF txtClr=0;
If (lpDrawItemStruct - & gt; ItemState & amp; ODS_SELECTED)
BkClr=RGB (49106197);

Dc. FillSolidRect (& amp; Rc, bkClr);

CBitmap BMP.
If (FALSE==BMP. LoadBitmap (boder. SrcBmpId))
OutputDebugString (TEXT (" load erro "));
BITMAP bt={0};
BMP. GetBitmap (& amp; Bt);
CSize bmpSize;
Cx=bmpSize. Bt. BmWidth;
BmpSize. Cy=bt. BmHeight;
Int offsetY=(rc) Height () - bmpSize. Cy)/2;
If (offsetY<1)
Cstrings Str.
Str. The Format (TEXT (" % d "), bmpSize. Cy);
//OutputDebugString (Str);
//GetLBText (Index, Str);
Rc. InflateRect (2, 1);
Dc. SetBkColor (bkClr);
Dc. SetTextColor (txtClr);
Dc. TextOut (rc) left, rc, top, Str);

The CDC memDC;
MemDC. CreateCompatibleDC (& amp; Dc);
CBitmap. * pOldBmp=(CBitmap *) memDC SelectObject (& amp; BMP);
Dc. BitBlt (rc) left + 10, rc. The top + offsetY, bmpSize. Cx, bmpSize. Cy, & amp; MemDC, 0, 0, SRCCOPY);
MemDC. SelectObject (pOldBmp);
MemDC. DeleteDC ();

Dc. Detach ();

CodePudding user response:

Imitation QQ program is seen,

CodePudding user response:

reference 1/f, zhao teacher reply:
search "high imitation QQ MFC"

And see the teacher,
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