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Can not remove user from db_owner-group


TL;DR - Users automatically get added to db_owner group when created by script for some reason. But I can't remove them with a script.

So I have made a script to add new Windows-users to my database but for some reason they automatically get added to the db_owner group by default. The owner on the server is 'sa' so there is an owner set already on the server.

enter image description here

enter image description here

This is what happens when I add a new user with the following script:


USE [dbName]
IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT [name] FROM [sys].[database_principals] WHERE [name] = N'Windows\user1')
    CREATE USER [Windows\user1] FOR LOGIN [Windows\user1]
EXECUTE sp_addrolemember 'Admin', 'Windows\user1'
EXECUTE sp_addrolemember 'db_datareader', 'Windows\user1'
EXECUTE sp_addrolemember 'db_datawriter', 'Windows\user1'

But when I run the following code it says "1 row affected". But the user is still in the db_owner group.

ALTER ROLE [db_owner] DROP MEMBER [Windows\user1]

The only way I can remove it right now is using the UI in SSMS to go to the properties of the user and un-check it. What are some ways to fix either of the issues?

Apparently this wasn't correct. They don't even get removed this way...

Update(1): I've managed to narrow it down to the fact that it does seem to have something to do with the custom role "Admin" - when a user is added to this role it automatically gets added to db_owner when running the following script.

EXECUTE sp_addrolemember 'Admin', 'Windows\user1'

Still haven't managed to figure out why.

CodePudding user response:

Prediction: if you run the following query, then the result will be 1:

select   count(*)
from     sys.database_role_members   rm
join     sys.database_principals     rp   on rp.principal_id = rm.role_principal_id
join     sys.database_principals     mp   on mp.principal_id = rm.member_principal_id
where    rp.name = 'db_owner'
         and mp.name = 'Admin';

If that is the case (and I am confident that it is), then the Admin role is a member of the db_owner role. So all members of admin are members of db_owner.

Then user1 is given membership in the admin role. We now form a syllogism:

All admins are db_owners.
user1 is an admin.
Therefore user1 is a db_owner.

Attempting to remove user1 from the db_owner role has no effect, because they are not a direct member of the db_owner role. They are a member of the admin role, which in turn is a member of the db_owner role.

If you want to remove their db_owner membership, you must do so by removing them from the admin role.

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