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trouble recognizing \ as a character


I'm making a syntax analyzer for school that reads a c test file in scheme and outputs another in html with the program now colored based on their id. However, I'm having trouble with it recognizing the \ as a character. The teacher said we don't have to worry about respecting the formatting, so line breaks and indents aren't necessary. Here is my code as well as the test file:

#lang racket

(require 2htdp/batch-io)

(define htmlformat "<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <link rel='stylesheet' href='styles.css'> <title>output.html</title> </head> <body>")
(define htmlformat2 "</body> </html>")
(define number "<span class='number'>")
(define specials "<span class='special'>")
(define ids "<span class='identifier'>")
(define reserved "<span class='reserved'>")
(define comments "<span class='comment'>")
(define libraries "<span class='library'>")
(define endspan "</span>")

;opens input file
(define infile "test.cpp")

;read input file
;char by char
(define file->list-of-chars
  (lambda (filename)
     (map string->list
          (read-1strings filename)))))

;char to strings, shows up in reverse order
(define list-of-chars->list-of-strings
  (lambda (loc aux result)
      [(empty? loc) result]
      [(char-whitespace? (car loc))
       (list-of-chars->list-of-strings (cdr loc)
                                        (list->string aux)
      [(char-punctuation? (car loc))
       (list-of-chars->list-of-strings (cdr loc)
                                         (cons (car loc) '()))
                                         (list->string aux)
       (list-of-chars->list-of-strings (cdr loc)
                                       (append aux (cons (car loc) '()))

; char to list of strings, shows up in corret order
(define file->list-of-strings
  (lambda (filename)
      (file->list-of-chars infile) '() '()))))

(define lst (file->list-of-strings infile))

;regex matching
(define match
  (λ (strng)
      [(regexp-match #rx"^[ -]?([0-9] \\.?[0-9]*|\\.[0-9] )$" strng) (string-append number strng endspan)]
      [(equal? strng "<iostream>") (string-append libraries "<" endspan libraries "iostream" endspan libraries ">" endspan)] 
      [(regexp-match #rx"^\\<(.) \\>$" strng) (string-append libraries "strng" endspan)]
      [(regexp-match #rx"^(asm|double|new|switch|auto|else|operator|template|break|enum|private|this|case|extern|printf|protected|throw|catch|float|public|try|char|for|register|typedef|class|friend|return|union|const|goto|short|unsigned|continue|if|signed|virtual|default|inline|sizeof|void|delete|int|static|volatile|do|long|struct|while) $" strng) (string-append reserved strng endspan)]
      [(regexp-match #rx"^([A-Z]|[a-z]|\\_)(.)*$" strng) (string-append ids strng endspan)]
      [(regexp-match #rx"^(\\#|\\[|\\]|\\{|\\}|\\ |\\-|\\/|\\<|\\>|\\<=|\\>=|\\=|\\(|\\)|\\*|\\'|\\;|\\!|\\$|\\%|\\^|\\&|\\?|\"|\\||,)$" strng) (string-append specials strng endspan)]
      [(regexp-match #rx"^\\//(.)*$" strng) (string-append comments strng endspan)]
      [else ""])))

;applies match to all elements of a list of strings
(define mapp
  (λ (lst)
      [(null? lst) '()]
      [else (cons (match (car lst))(mapp (cdr lst)))])))

;assigns html format to list of strings
(define htmlList (mapp lst))

; list of strings to single string
(define list-of-strings->string
  (lambda (strlst)
    (string-join strlst " ")))
;; usage example
;; (define strlst (file->list-of-strings input-filename))
;; (list-of-strings->string strlst)

; converts list of strings to a single string
(define singlestring (list-of-strings->string htmlList))

;creates output file
(define outfile "output.html")

;creates single string adding html header and footer
(define finalstring (string-append htmlformat singlestring htmlformat2))

;writes everything into output file
(write-file outfile finalstring)

Test code:

#include <iostream>

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    int i = 0;

    for (i = 0; i < 10; i  )
        printf("%i", i);
    return 0;

CodePudding user response:

What do you mean "recognize \"?

You can "escape the escape code" by using "\\"


That should print "\".

If you want to print 2, you can do printf("\\\\")... it goes on.

Other than that, I don't understand your question.

CodePudding user response:


[(char-whitespace? (car loc))
[(eqv? (car loc) #\\)

to recognize backslash.

Note: #\a means the character a and thus #\\ means the character \.

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