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How to prevent laravel foreach showing double value and sorting ascending


In my blade i use triple foreach in laravel, because i do 3 query for database in controller. And it showed me doubled data and it sort ascending.

here's my code :

1. Blade (with foreach)

               @foreach ($keranjang as $purchase)
                    @foreach ($pelanggan as $member)
                        @foreach ($produk as $product)
                                <th scope="row">{{ $purchase->ID_pembelian }}</th>
                                <td>{{ $product->nama_produk }}</td>
                                <td>{{ $member->nama_pelanggan }}</td>
                                <td>{{ $purchase->tgl_pembelian }}</td>
                                <td>{{ $purchase->jumlah }}</td>
                                <td>{{ $purchase->harga }}</td>
                                <td>{{ $purchase->total }}</td>
                                <td>{{ $purchase->status }}</td>

2. Controller with 3 queries

public function index()
        return view('keranjang', [
            'keranjang' => $pembelian = Pembelian::where('ID_pelanggan', auth()->user()->ID_pelanggan)->get(),
            'pelanggan' => $pelanggan = Pelanggan::where('ID_pelanggan', auth()->user()->ID_pelanggan)->get(),
            'produk' => $produk = Produk::find(Pembelian::where('ID_pelanggan', auth()->user()->ID_pelanggan)->get('ID_produk')),
            "title" => "Keranjang"

3. And here is the result : enter image description here

. . but, i want it to be like below (not showing double data and not sorting ascending): enter image description here

And i change the controller and use first(), it showed me the right first data i want which 'kandang kucing' besides 'pet bowl', but both of the value is the same :(.

'produk' => $produk = Produk::find(Pembelian::where('ID_pelanggan', auth()->user()->ID_pelanggan)->get('ID_produk')->first()),

enter image description here how do i fix it? is it wrong with my controller or my foreach in blade?

CodePudding user response:

Well from your data it seems like you are fetching related data from 3 different tables, what you can do here is make use of one of Laravel's many features, known as Many-to-Many relation that works with pivot tables.

Step 1 - Making Pivot Table

Learn How to make a pivot table

php artisan make:migration create_alpha_beta_table --create --table=alpha_beta

While creating the pivot table we don't need a model so its just a migration with a conventional name of related tables in alphabetical order, for example if the two related tables are menu and restaurant the table will be menu_restaurant with menu first and restaurant second according to their alphabetical order. This can't be restaurant_menu hence, alpha_beta not beta_alpha.

Step 2 - Define Relationships

Once you are finished creating pivot you can simply define relation in each tables Model, for example:

Alpha.php Model:

public function beta() {
    return $this->hasMany(Beta::class);

Beta.php Model

public function alpha(){
    return $this->belongsTo(Alpha::class);

Step 3 - Use the Relationship

Once you are finished, defining the relationship, you can simply call the relationships using with() on your query builder and the data will be in a nice and clean format ready to use inside a single loop, Now to call it inside the AlphaController.php


this will give you following result:

    id => 1,
    name => 'some really alpha name',
    another_col => 'data',
    beta => [
        id => 3,
        alpha_id => 1,
        name => 'some really beta name',
        another_beta_col => 'data'

See how you have beta combined with alpha where the foreign key is matched.

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