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Is a WAF necessary on Kubernetes?


When reading blog posts about WAFs and Kubernetes, it seems 90 % of the posts are written by WAF-providers, while the remaining posts seem to be sceptical. So I would like to hear what your experiences are with WAFs, do they make sense, and if so can you recommend any good open-source WAFs?

To my understanding WAF help with the following:

  1. IP-whitelists/blacklists
  2. Rate Limits
  3. Scanning of HTTPS requests for SQLi and XSS
  4. Cookie Poisoning and session-jacking
  5. DDOS (requires a huge WAF cluster)

But I would also think that these problems can be handled elsewhere:

  1. IP-whitelists/blacklists can be handled by the Loadbalancer or NetworkPolicies
  2. Rate Limits can be configured in the Ingress
  3. Handling of SQLi and XSS is done by input sanitization in the application
  4. Server-side sessions bound to IPs can prevent poisoning and jacking
  5. DDOS are hard to absorb, so I have no native solution here (but they are low risk?)

Sure, I can see the advantage in centralizing security at the access gate to the network, but from what I have read WAFs are hard to maintain, they have tons af false positives and most companies mainly use them to be compliant with ISO-standards, and mainly in "monitoring mode". Shouldn't it be secure enough to use SecurityPolicies, NetworkPolicies, Ingress Rules and Loadbalancer Rules rather than a WAF?

CodePudding user response:

A good waf does a lot more than that, and it is independent of the deployment model (kubernetes or else).

A waf can

  • Detect and prevent application level exploits far beyond sqli and xss. Sure, you can make a secure application... but can you actually make a secure application? (A team of sometimes changing developers usually cannot.)
  • Detect and prevent vulnerabilities in underlying layers, like nginx or the OS - or maybe even kubernetes itself.
  • Provide hotfixing known vulnerabilities until they are actually fixed in the code or patched in the underlying component (like for example preventing certain values for certain parameters you know are vulnerable and so on).

So in short, yes, a waf does make sense with k8s too, in fact it is not dependent on the deployment model. A waf is just a layer 7 firewall that understands http, and can look into traffic to find flaws and prevent exploits.


For example a recent vulnerability was log4shell, in log4j. In a request it was possible to run arbitrary stuff on servers due to a framework level (3rd party) vulnerability. A good, regularly updated waf would prevent that probably even before you read about the problem.

Spring4shell was a somewhat similar vulnerability in Spring, that can also be prevented by wafs. So could Heartbleed, a vulnerability in openssl.

There was a php vulnerability quite a while ago that involved a magic number, sent as any parameter.

Command injection vulnerabilities in any application or component follow specific patterns, and so on.

A waf also has more generic patterns for usual application vulnerabilities including (but not limited to) sql injection and xss. Sure, your application could be secure and not have these. But especially over time, it will for sure be vulnerable, even the best team cannot produce bug free code, and that applies to security bugs too.

As a web application is usually only accessible through http, ALL of that is available for capture for a component that understands http. All application layer attacks (and that's a lot) will come through http and a waf at least in theory is capable of preventing them. Surely it will not always recognize everything, it's not magic, and again, you could all implement it yourself. But it would be very difficult and time consuming. The same as you would not implement an API gateway or a network firewall, you would want to use a WAF to provide a layer of protection to your application and it's underlying components.

On the other hand, it's true that it takes some time to configure for your specific scenario and application. At first, it will probably produce false positives. Then you can decide how to manage those, you can disable entire rules, or remove certain pages or parameters from checks and so on. It does involve some work, maybe a lot for a very complex application. But when it's configured, it provides an additional layer of protection against threats you may not even have currently, but will in the future.

CodePudding user response:

A WAF is not strictly necessary on Kubernetes — or on any other deployment platform. Honestly, even after consulting for dozens of companies, I've seldom encountered any site that used a WAF at all.

You're right that you could duplicate the functions of a WAF using other technology. But you're basically reinventing the wheel by doing so, and the programmers you assign to do it are not as expert in those security tasks than the developers of the WAF are. At least they are probably doing it as one of many other tasks they are working on, so they can't devote full-time to implementation and testing of the WAF.

There is also a valid argument that defense in depth in computing is a good thing. Even if you have other security measures in place, they might fail. It's worth creating redundant layers of security defense, to account for that possibility.

There's a tradeoff between implementing security (or any other feature) yourself versus paying someone else for their expert work. This is true for many areas of software development, not only a WAF.

For example, it has become popular to use a web application framework. Is it possible to develop your own framework? Of course it is, and sometimes it's necessary if you want the code to have very specific behavior. But most of the time you can use some third-party framework off the shelf. It saves you a lot of time, and you get the instant benefit from years of development and testing done by someone else.

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