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Extract strings before a special character in PostgreSQL 11


I have following values in a postgresql table. How can I extract all the string before '(' wherever it is present

BCR-ABL (translocation) | MLL-AF4 (translocation) | E2A-PBX1 (translocation) | TEL-AML1 (translocation) | c-MYC (rearrangement) | CRLF2 (rearrangement) | PAX5 (rearrangement) 
EVC1 | EVC2 

The desired output is:

BCR-ABL | MLL-AF4 | E2A-PBX1 | TEL-AML1 | c-MYC | CRLF2 | PAX5  
EVC1 | EVC2 

I am using following regex to extract that, but it is only excluding the last (

^(.*) \(.*

CodePudding user response:


SELECT REGEXP_REPLACE(col1, '\s*\([^()]*\)', '', 'g') AS col2 FROM test

See an online fiddle and a regex demo.

  • \s* - 0 (Greedy) whitespace characters;
  • \([^()]*\) - 0 non-paranthesis between escaped literal opening- & closing paranthesis.

A possible "better" solution is to avoid potentially false positives if these paranthesis can also be in a value before the delimiters:

SELECT REGEXP_REPLACE(col1, '\s*\([^()]*\)(\s*\||$)', '\1', 'g') AS col2 FROM test

Here we use a backreference to whichever option was captured in the alternation. See an online fiddle and an online regex demo

  • \s* - 0 (Greedy) whitespace characters;
  • \([^()]*\) - 0 non-paranthesis between escaped literal opening- & closing paranthesis;
  • (\s*\||$) - A 1st capture group to match 0 whitespace characters (to avoid having to trim a potential trailing space later) and a literal pipe-symbol or the end-line anchor.
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