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Why does increasing number of threads increase computation time in python?


I'm trying to use multiple threads to fetch data from a source. Data item from a fetch call is approximately 150 mb. I simulate that by returning a numpy array of similar size.

In the output of this script, you can see that as I increase the number of worker threads, the time to fetch the data item increases linearly. Shouldn't the call to the function fetch_data be independent for each thread? Why is the time taken for this function increasing linearly with the number of threads?

import numpy as np
from threading import Thread
from threading import Barrier
from time import perf_counter as pc

def fetch_data():
    # simulating fetching large data item (approximately 150 mb)
    return np.random.random((1000*128, 150))

def producer(barrier, identifier):
    times = []
    for i in range(16):
        t0 = pc()
        data = fetch_data()
        t1 = pc()
        times.append(t1 - t0)
    if identifier == 0:
        print(f'average data fetch time: {sum(times) / len(times)}')

def main(num_workers):
    barrier = Barrier(num_workers)
    producers = [Thread(target=producer, args=(barrier, i)) for i in range(num_workers)]
    for prod in producers:

    for prod in producers:

if __name__ == '__main__':
    num_worker_options = [1, 2, 4, 8]
    for n in num_worker_options:
        print(f'running with num_workers={n}')


running with num_workers=1
average data fetch time: 0.1944406289999847
running with num_workers=2
average data fetch time: 0.37914658368754317
running with num_workers=4
average data fetch time: 0.7443576513123276
running with num_workers=8
average data fetch time: 1.4798094858125523


Adding more context based on the comments.

I'm building data pipeline that feeds into a neural network. A training step takes about 0.05 seconds where as fetching a batch from local mongodb database takes 5 seconds. I want to optimize the data pipeline such that the bottleneck is the train step that utilizes the gpu and not the dataloading process.

I tried using Pytorch's DataLoader which uses multiprocessing.Process to parallelize batch creation and filling up a queue that feeds the network. But as I detail in this github issue, adding more workers doesn't reduce the latency for fetching the batches.

I think this is due to the fact that multiprocessing serializes / deserializes data using pickle to communicate between worker and main processes. So if a batch is 150 mb, the overhead to pikcle and unpickle that object is significant. Usually, the parallelism in torch.DataLoader is not an issue, because the size of the batch is not hundreds of megabytes.

I then tried to use multithreading in a multi-producer, single-consumer design pattern, where multiple background threads would add to a shared queue. The neural network would fetch a batch from the queue and execute the training step. But from the answer, it appears this would not work because threads are concurrent but not parallel.

Any ideas how to achieve parallelism where the objects involved in the worker and main process are large?

CodePudding user response:

The threads allow concurrency, but not parallelism - they will alternate and do the work concurrently, but they won't use additional cores, so the only gains are in not having to wait for I/O or similar costly operations. As a result, the gains are minimal. Try multiprocessing instead - although the overhead is far more costly there, for sufficiently large tasks the actual parallelism will get you what you're looking for.

For example:

import numpy as np
import multiprocessing
from time import perf_counter as pc

def fetch_data():
    # simulating fetching large data item (approximately 150 mb)
    return np.random.random((1000*128, 150))

def producer(identifier):
    times = []
    for i in range(16):
        t0 = pc()
        data = fetch_data()
        t1 = pc()
        times.append(t1 - t0)
    if identifier == 0:
        print(f'average data fetch time: {sum(times) / len(times)}')

def main(num_workers):
    ps = [multiprocessing.Process(target=producer, args=(i,)) for i in range(num_workers)]
    for p in ps:
    for p in ps:

if __name__ == '__main__':
    num_worker_options = [1, 2, 4, 8]

    if __name__ == '__main__':
        for n in num_worker_options:
            print(f'running with num_workers={n}')


running with num_workers=1
average data fetch time: 0.1159221250002247
running with num_workers=2
average data fetch time: 0.11778964999984964
running with num_workers=4
average data fetch time: 0.13016788124969025
running with num_workers=8
average data fetch time: 0.14858553749945713

There's some added overhead, but the main difference is that I can hear the fans speeding up for the later number of workers.

For comparison, the first step when running your code on my machine:

running with num_workers=1
average data fetch time: 0.11301828124987878

So, the threaded solution is faster overall than the multiprocessing one, for such a trivial task, but not by an awful lot.

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