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MFC reads the XML file


Not only is displayed on the screen, the parameter is an XML file content, sent to the code, small white help great god, had better have the source code, thank you

CodePudding user response:


CodePudding user response:

General use tinyxml

CodePudding user response:


CodePudding user response:

 # include & lt; Iostream> 
# include "tinyxml. H"
# include "tinystr. H"
# include & lt; String>
# include & lt; Windows. H>
# include & lt; Atlstr. H>
using namespace std;

Cstrings GetAppPath ()
{//get the application root directory
TCHAR modulePath [MAX_PATH];
GetModuleFileName (NULL, modulePath, MAX_PATH);
Cstrings strModulePath (modulePath);
StrModulePath=strModulePath. Left (strModulePath. ReverseFind (_T (' \ \ ')));
Return strModulePath;

Bool CreateXmlFile (string& SzFileName)
{//create an XML file, szFilePath for the path of the file, if create returns true on success, or false
//create an XML document object,
TiXmlDocument * myDocument=new TiXmlDocument ();
//create a root element and connections,
TiXmlElement * RootElement=new TiXmlElement (" Persons ");
MyDocument - & gt; LinkEndChild (RootElement);
//create a Person elements and connections,
TiXmlElement * PersonElement=new TiXmlElement (" Person ");
RootElement - & gt; LinkEndChild (PersonElement);
//set the attributes of the Person element,
PersonElement - & gt; The SetAttribute (" ID ", "1");
//create the name element, the age element and connect,
TiXmlElement * NameElement=new TiXmlElement (" name ");
TiXmlElement * AgeElement=new TiXmlElement (" age ");
PersonElement - & gt; LinkEndChild (NameElement);
PersonElement - & gt; LinkEndChild (AgeElement);
//set the name element and the age element content and links,
TiXmlText * NameContent=new TiXmlText (" weeks stars ");
TiXmlText * AgeContent=new TiXmlText (" 22 ");
NameElement - & gt; LinkEndChild (NameContent);
AgeElement - & gt; LinkEndChild (AgeContent);
Cstrings appPath=GetAppPath ();
String seperator="\ ";
String fullPath=appPath. GetBuffer (0) + seperator + szFileName;
MyDocument - & gt; SaveFile (fullPath c_str ());//save to file
The catch (string& E)
return false;
return true;

Bool ReadXmlFile (string& SzFileName)
{//read the Xml file and traversal
Cstrings appPath=GetAppPath ();
String seperator="\ ";
String fullPath=appPath. GetBuffer (0) + seperator + szFileName;
//create an XML document object,
TiXmlDocument * myDocument=new TiXmlDocument (fullPath c_str ());
MyDocument - & gt; LoadFile ();
//get the root element, namely Persons,
TiXmlElement * RootElement=myDocument - & gt; RootElement ();
//output root element name, that is, output Persons,
Cout & lt; & lt; RootElement - & gt; The Value () & lt; //get the first Person nodes,
TiXmlElement * FirstPerson=RootElement - & gt; FirstChildElement ();
//get the first Person and the age of the name of the node and the ID attribute,
TiXmlElement * NameElement=FirstPerson - & gt; FirstChildElement ();
TiXmlElement * AgeElement=NameElement - & gt; NextSiblingElement ();
TiXmlAttribute * IDAttribute=FirstPerson - & gt; FirstAttribute ();
//output name contents of the first Person, namely weeks stars; The age content, namely; The ID attribute, namely,
Cout & lt; Cout & lt; Cout & lt; }
The catch (string& E)
return false;
return true;
Int main ()
XML string fileName="info";
CreateXmlFile (fileName);
ReadXmlFile (fileName);

The path of the file is an XML file

CodePudding user response:

Libraries download address here: http://sourceforge.net/projects/tinyxml/
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