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Polymorphic kotlinx serialization when type is integer, not string


I am trying to consume and emit JSON which contains a polymorphic list of items. The problem is: the items contain type key with integer values (not strings). The API endpoint produces and expects JSON similar to this:

  "startTime": "2022-07-27T13:32:57.379Z",
  "items": [
      "type": 0,
      "results": "string",
      "restBetweenRounds": "string"
      "type": 1,
      "results": "string",
      "setCount": 0
      "type": 2,
      "items": [
          "type": 0,
          "results": "string",
          "restBetweenRounds": "string"
          "type": 1,
          "results": "string",
          "setCount": 0
      "results": "string"
  "status": 0,
  "clientId": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6"

As described in the article on polymorphism, I created an hierarchy of classes. I also try to convert type value before deserialization.

object MyTransformingDeserializer : JsonTransformingSerializer<BaseItem>(PolymorphicSerializer(BaseItem::class)) {
    override fun transformDeserialize(element: JsonElement): JsonElement {
        val type = element.jsonObject["type"]!!
        val newType = JsonPrimitive(value = type.toString())
        return JsonObject(element.jsonObject.toMutableMap().also { it["type"] = newType })

@Serializable(with = MyTransformingDeserializer::class)
sealed class BaseItem {
    abstract val type: String

class ItemType0(
    override val type: String,
    // ...
) : BaseItem()

class ItemType1(
    override val type: String,
    // ...
) : BaseItem()

class ItemType2(
    override val type: String,
    // ...
) : BaseItem()

But all I get is this error:

kotlinx.serialization.json.internal.JsonDecodingException: Polymorphic serializer was not found for class discriminator '0'

Given that I can not change the format of the JSON, what can be done to successfully serialize/desereialize it?

CodePudding user response:

Handling polymorphism in Kotlinx Serialization is difficult, especially when you don't have control over the format of the source. But KxS does give a lot of low-level tools to manually handle almost anything.

You were close in choosing JsonTransformingSerializer! It seems that it doesn't transform the JSON before KxS selects a serializer. Because discriminators can only be strings, and so deserialization fails.


Instead of JsonTransformingSerializer, you can use JsonContentPolymorphicSerializer.

Kotlinx Serialization will first deserialize the JSON to a JsonObject. It will then provide that object to the serializer for BaseItem, and you can parse and select the correct subclass.

import kotlinx.serialization.*
import kotlinx.serialization.json.*

object BaseItemSerializer : JsonContentPolymorphicSerializer<BaseItem>(BaseItem::class) {
  override fun selectDeserializer(
    element: JsonElement
  ): DeserializationStrategy<out BaseItem> {

    return when (val type = element.jsonObject["type"]?.jsonPrimitive?.intOrNull) {
      0    -> ItemType0.serializer()
      1    -> ItemType1.serializer()
      2    -> ItemType2.serializer()
      else -> error("unknown Item type $type")

Including type

Since this is manually performing polymorphic discrimination, there's no need to include type in your classes.

import kotlinx.serialization.Serializable

@Serializable(with = BaseItemSerializer::class)
sealed class BaseItem

data class ItemType0(
  // ...
) : BaseItem()

class ItemType1(
  // ...
) : BaseItem()

class ItemType2(
  // ...
) : BaseItem()

However you might like to include it, for completeness, and so it's included when serializing. For that, you must use @EncodeDefault

import kotlinx.serialization.EncodeDefault
import kotlinx.serialization.Serializable

@Serializable(with = BaseItemSerializer::class)
sealed class BaseItem {
  abstract val type: Int

class ItemType0(
  // ...
) : BaseItem() {
  override val type: Int = 0

// ...

Complete example

Bringing it all together, here's a complete example.

import kotlinx.serialization.*
import kotlinx.serialization.json.*

val mapper = Json {
  prettyPrint = true
  prettyPrintIndent = "  "

fun main() {

  val json = """
  "startTime": "2022-07-27T13:32:57.379Z",
  "status": 0,
  "clientId": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6",
  "items": [
      "type": 0,
      "results": "string",
      "restBetweenRounds": "string"
      "type": 1,
      "results": "string",
      "setCount": 0
      "type": 2,
      "items": [
          "type": 0,
          "results": "string",
          "restBetweenRounds": "string"
          "type": 1,
          "results": "string",
          "setCount": 0
      "results": "string"

  val itemHolder: ItemHolder = mapper.decodeFromString(json)



data class ItemHolder(
  val startTime: String,
  val clientId: String,
  val status: Int,
  val items: List<BaseItem>,

@Serializable(with = BaseItem.Serializer::class)
sealed class BaseItem {
  abstract val type: Int

  object Serializer : JsonContentPolymorphicSerializer<BaseItem>(BaseItem::class) {
    override fun selectDeserializer(
      element: JsonElement
    ): DeserializationStrategy<out BaseItem> {

      return when (val type = element.jsonObject["type"]?.jsonPrimitive?.intOrNull) {
        0    -> ItemType0.serializer()
        1    -> ItemType1.serializer()
        2    -> ItemType2.serializer()
        else -> error("unknown Item type $type")

data class ItemType0(
  val results: String,
  val restBetweenRounds: String,
) : BaseItem() {
  override val type: Int = 0

data class ItemType1(
  val results: String,
  val setCount: Int,
) : BaseItem() {
  override val type: Int = 1

data class ItemType2(
  val results: String,
  val items: List<BaseItem>,
) : BaseItem() {
  override val type: Int = 2

This prints

    ItemType0(results=string, restBetweenRounds=string), 
    ItemType1(results=string, setCount=0), 
        ItemType0(results=string, restBetweenRounds=string),
        ItemType1(results=string, setCount=0)


  "startTime": "2022-07-27T13:32:57.379Z",
  "clientId": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6",
  "status": 0,
  "items": [
      "results": "string",
      "restBetweenRounds": "string",
      "type": 0
      "results": "string",
      "setCount": 0,
      "type": 1
      "results": "string",
      "items": [
          "results": "string",
          "restBetweenRounds": "string",
          "type": 0
          "results": "string",
          "setCount": 0,
          "type": 1
      "type": 2

which matches the input!


  • Kotlin 1.7.10
  • Kotlinx Serialization 1.3.4
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