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Find table and column name containing one value


I have limited knowledge of SQL and have access to a SQL Server database in Python3, with no documentation and without user-friendly table and column name descriptions. I'm struggling to find where to look at for the right tables and columns.

I've written a few helper functions using Pandas to get names and tables in the database and to find table or column names containing specific strings:

def find_tables(tablas, s):
        return tablas.loc[(tablas.table_name.str.contains(s, case=False))].drop_duplicates('table_name')

def find_column(tablas, s):
    if isinstance(s, list):
        cond = tablas.column_name.str.contains('|'.join(s))
        cond = tablas.column_name.str.contains(s, case=False)
    return tablas.loc[(cond)]

def explora_tabla(tablas, s):
    return tablas.loc[(tablas.table_name.str.contains(s, case=False))]

Unfortunately, given odd names, this is usually not enough to pull out the information I need. Therefore I though I could try the "brute force way" to find (by value) which table and column names contain a specific value, possibly filtering for other known fields when they are available. Obviously more subtle ways to solve the problem are also welcome.

I have found the following answer, tried it with value 8004YS1LSLR but returns an error I guess because of data type. In any case I would need to be able to match a wider range of formats.

I would like to find a general query that I could pass to pd.read_sql that retuns table and column names in the database containing given value that could be an integer, float, string, etc.

CodePudding user response:

This is yuck, but is based on something I had to write a while ago for a similar problem at the office.

I use a sql_variant here as this means that you can use it to search for other data types, and not have a bunch of implicit conversions in the WHERE. Note, however, that this means it will filter to the underlying data type of the sql_variant; if you supply an nvarchar it won't search varchar, nchar or char columns for example.

As I'm using sql_variant there's some silliness with explicitly conversions as well, which I include the definition of here too.


CREATE FUNCTION [fn].[QuoteSqlvariant] (@SQLVariant sql_variant) 
RETURNS nvarchar(258)
Written by Thom A 2021-03-21
Original Source: https://wp.larnu.uk/sql_variant-and-dynamic-sql/
Licenced under CC BY-ND 4.0
           CASE WHEN CONVERT(sysname,SQL_VARIANT_PROPERTY(@SQLVariant,'BaseType')) IN (N'char',N'varchar') THEN CONCAT(N'(',CONVERT(int,SQL_VARIANT_PROPERTY(@SQLVariant,'MaxLength')),N')')
                WHEN CONVERT(sysname,SQL_VARIANT_PROPERTY(@SQLVariant,'BaseType')) IN (N'nchar',N'nvarchar') THEN CONCAT(N'(',CONVERT(int,SQL_VARIANT_PROPERTY(@SQLVariant,'MaxLength'))/2,N')')
                WHEN CONVERT(sysname,SQL_VARIANT_PROPERTY(@SQLVariant,'BaseType')) IN (N'datetime2',N'datetimeoffset',N'time') THEN CONCAT(N'(',CONVERT(int,SQL_VARIANT_PROPERTY(@SQLVariant,'Scale')),N')')
                WHEN CONVERT(sysname,SQL_VARIANT_PROPERTY(@SQLVariant,'BaseType')) IN (N'decimal',N'numeric',N'time') THEN CONCAT(N'(',CONVERT(int,SQL_VARIANT_PROPERTY(@SQLVariant,'Precision')),N',',CONVERT(int,SQL_VARIANT_PROPERTY(@SQLVariant,'Scale')),N')')
                WHEN CONVERT(sysname,SQL_VARIANT_PROPERTY(@SQLVariant,'BaseType')) IN (N'varbinary') THEN CONCAT(N'(',CONVERT(int,SQL_VARIANT_PROPERTY(@SQLVariant,'TotalBytes'))-4,N')')
                ELSE N''


DECLARE @SearchValue sql_variant = CONVERT(varchar(15),'8004YS1LSLR'); --Explicit Converting is **IMPORTANT** here

DECLARE @CRLF nchar(2) = NCHAR(13)   NCHAR(10),
        @OrDelim nvarchar(10) = NCHAR(13)   NCHAR(10)   N'   OR ',
        @SQL nvarchar(MAX);

    SELECT s.name AS SchemaName,
           t.name AS TableName,
           STRING_AGG(QUOTENAME(c.[name])   N' = CONVERT('   fn.QuoteSqlvariant(@SearchValue)   N',@SearchValue)', @OrDelim) AS ORClauses
    FROM sys.schemas s
         JOIN sys.tables t ON s.schema_id = t.schema_id
         JOIN sys.columns c ON t.object_id = c.object_id
         JOIN sys.types ct ON c.system_type_id = ct.system_type_id
    WHERE ct.[name] = CONVERT(sysname,SQL_VARIANT_PROPERTY(@SearchValue,'BaseType'))
    GROUP BY s.name,
SELECT @SQL = STRING_AGG(N'SELECT N'   QUOTENAME(SchemaName,'''')   N' AS SchemaName,'   @CRLF  
                         N'       N'   QUOTENAME(TableName,'''')   N' AS TableName,'   @CRLF  
                         N'       *'   @CRLF  
                         N'FROM '   QUOTENAME(SchemaName)   N'.'   QUOTENAME(TableName)   @CRLF  
                         N'WHERE '   OrClauses   N';',@CRLF)

EXEC sys.sp_executesql @SQL, N'@SearchValue sql_variant', @SearchValue;

CodePudding user response:

to get the column use the ff code

SELECT name,is_nullable,max_length FROM sys.columns WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID('yourtablename')

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