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Not able to print data from tables using Selenium Python


This the the element that I am trying to find:

tbody  ng-repeat="ut in vm.unitList | filter: (leaseLength: (vm.weekOption.value I l

**Xpath - //*[@id="no-more-tables"]/tbody**

And this is my code:

[enter image description here][1]
property_name = driver.title
print('Property =====',property_name)

rooms = driver.find_elements(By.XPATH, '//*[@id="no-more-tables"]/tbody')
print (len(rooms))

The length of rooms are coming 0 even though I gave the correct xpath. Ideally it should come 5

CodePudding user response:

Data in that page is being loaded dynamically by Javascript, after loading the html. The following code will (remove the complexities of selenium and) get you the data you're after:

import requests
import pandas as pd

s = requests.Session()

data = {"route":"unitlist","command":"","data":"{\"list\":{\"filter\":{\"propertyNoFilter\":\"PR0170000\",\"dateFilter\":\"03/09/2022\"}}}"}
r = s.get('https://www.hellostudent.co.uk/student-accommodation/stoke/caledonia-mills/')
r = s.post('https://rooms.hellostudent.co.uk/DynamicsNav/Call', data=data)
# print(r.json()['list']['property'])
df = pd.DataFrame(r.json()['list']['property'])


unitType    unitSubType unitDescription noOfUnits   mainPropertyNo  startDate   endDate leaseLength pricePerWeek    biannualAvailable   termPaymentAvailable    features
0   SHAPT   SHAPT-Q4-B4-ES  Silver 4-Bed Apartment Ensuite  0   PR0170000   03/09/22    25/08/23    51  89.00   false   true    None
1   SHAPT   SHAPT-Q4-B3-ES  Silver 3-Bed Apartment Ensuite  12  PR0170000   03/09/22    25/08/23    51  93.00   false   true    None
2   SHAPT   SHAPT-Q4-B2-ES  Silver 2-Bed Apartment Ensuite  7   PR0170000   03/09/22    25/08/23    51  115.00  false   true    None
3   STUDIO  STUDIO-Q4   Silver Studio   1   PR0170000   03/09/22    25/08/23    51  153.00  false   true    None
4   STUDIO  STUDIO-Q3   Gold Studio 0   PR0170000   03/09/22    25/08/23    51  169.00  false   true    None
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