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How to sum values from an list of dictionaries Python


So, i want to sum multiple values of a list of dictionaries, this is what i made so far, it works but obviusly there is a lot of problems and inefficiency

# plate: license plate of the vehicule
# distance: the distance traveled by the vehicule in KM
# time: the time the vehicule travels in minutes
from collections import defaultdict
vehicles = [
        {"plate":"ABC123", "distance":80.3, "time":180},
        {"plate":"ABC123", "distance":80.3, "time":180},
        {"plate":"XYZ246", "distance":40.0, "time":30},
        {"plate":"XYZ246", "distance":60.7, "time":100},
        {"plate":"ABC123", "distance":70.2, "time":200},
        {"plate":"MNL357", "distance":40.3, "time":70}
returnList = []
dst, time = defaultdict(int), defaultdict(int)

for v in vehicles:
    dst[v["plate"]]  = v["distance"]
    time[v["plate"]]  = v["time"]
dst = dict(dst)
time = dict(time)

for i in dst:
    returnList.append({"plate":i,"distance":dst[i], "time":time[i]})


In this case, i want to sum the distance and time of a license plate, its result is

  {'plate': 'ABC123', 'distance': 230.8, 'time': 560}, 
  {'plate': 'XYZ246', 'distance': 100.7, 'time': 130}, 
  {'plate': 'MNL357', 'distance': 40.3, 'time': 70}


CodePudding user response:

You could do this:

In [6]: from collections import defaultdict
   ...: vehicles = [
   ...:         {"plate":"ABC123", "distance":80.3, "time":180},
   ...:         {"plate":"ABC123", "distance":80.3, "time":180},
   ...:         {"plate":"XYZ246", "distance":40.0, "time":30},
   ...:         {"plate":"XYZ246", "distance":60.7, "time":100},
   ...:         {"plate":"ABC123", "distance":70.2, "time":200},
   ...:         {"plate":"MNL357", "distance":40.3, "time":70}
   ...:     ]

In [7]: import itertools as it

In [8]: keyfunc = lambda x: x['plate']

In [9]: vehicle_groups = it.groupby(sorted(vehicles, key=keyfunc), keyfunc)

In [10]: [{'plate':p, 'distance':sum(x['distance'] for x in g), 'time':sum(y['ti
    ...: me'] for y in g)} for p, g in vehicle_groups]
[{'plate': 'ABC123', 'distance': 230.8, 'time': 0},
 {'plate': 'MNL357', 'distance': 40.3, 'time': 0},
 {'plate': 'XYZ246', 'distance': 100.7, 'time': 0}]

CodePudding user response:

Could you expand on what result you're trying to get? Bit unclear.

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