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I have schema CSV file with variable types, workbench can't understand it, how to import this C



I got this CSV as I exported Person table from Backendless.com. I never saw such CSV format. does this structure has a proper name that I can look up on the internet? is there any software that can read it and accordingly import it to a mysql db?

CodePudding user response:

I'm going to withdraw my objection to calling this a CSV file. That's exactly what it is. This doesn't do the whole job, but maybe this will give you a start. This assumes there is only one line in the file; if you have multiple tables in separate files, then you'd need a loop instead of using next() on the cvs.reader.

import json
import csv

row = next(csv.reader(open('x.txt')))
for f in row:
    column,_,rest = f.partition('(')
    data = json.loads(rest[:-1])
    print(column, data)

Now you can print data['type'] and data['dataSize']. There are still some awkward things here. It shows fields with relations to other tables, but it doesn't say what type those fields are.

CodePudding user response:

based on the code provided by Tim Roberts, I wrote a script that converts Backendless CSV schema to MYSQL 8.0 Schema

import json
import csv
from os import listdir
import mysql.connector


# when true all tables with the same names will be dropped before a new ones are created
drop_existing_tables = False
mydb = mysql.connector.connect(

path = "./"
filenames = listdir(path)
files = [ filename for filename in filenames if filename.endswith(".csv") ]

# select table
commands = "USE "   database   ";\n"

#to be able to reference a table before it s even created.
commands  = "SET foreign_key_checks = 0;\n"

def constraints_to_string(constraints):
    if len(constraints) == 0:
        return ""
    stringConstraints = ""
    addIndex = False
    for constraint in constraints:
       if constraint == "NN":
            constraint = "NOT NULL"
       if constraint == "UQ":
            constraint = "UNIQUE"
       if constraint == "IDX":
            addIndex = True
       if not addIndex:
            stringConstraints  =  " "   str(constraint)
    if addIndex:
       stringConstraints  = ",\n INDEX (`"   column   "`)"
    return stringConstraints

def map_data_type(data, column, constraints):
    dataType = data["type"]
    if column == "ownerId":
        dataType = "BINARY(16) "   constraints   ", "   \
        " FOREIGN KEY (`"   column   "`) REFERENCES `users`(`objectId`)"
    elif dataType == "STRING":
        dataSize = data.get("dataSize")
        dataType = "VARCHAR("   str(dataSize)   ") "   constraints
    elif dataType == "STRING_ID":
        dataType = "BINARY(16) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY "   constraints
    elif dataType == "RELATION":
        dataType = "BINARY(16) "   constraints   ", "   \
        "FOREIGN KEY (`"   column   "`) REFERENCES `"   data["relatedTable"]   "`(`objectId`)"
    elif dataType == "FILE_REF":
        dataType = "VARCHAR(256) "   constraints
        dataType  = " "   constraints
    return dataType

# drop tables.
if drop_existing_tables:
    for file in files:
        tableName = file.rpartition('.')[0]
        commands  = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "   tableName   ";\n"
    commands  = "\n"

# generate SQL scripts from backendless schema csv file.
for file in files:
    row = next(csv.reader(open(file)))
    tableName = file.rpartition('.')[0]
    variablesString = ""
    for f in row:
        column,_,rest = f.partition('(')
        data = json.loads(rest[:-1])
        constraints = constraints_to_string(data.get("constraints"))
        dataType = map_data_type(data, column, constraints)
        if not first:
            variablesString  =  ", \n"
        variablesString  = "`"   column   "`"   " "   dataType
        first = False        
    commands  = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "   tableName   " ("   variablesString   ");\n\n"
mycursor = mydb.cursor()
results = mycursor.execute(commands, multi=True)
if input("are you sure you want to execute the SQL script above? (y/n)") != "y":
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