Home > Software engineering >  Vb6, put the picture control in the form, how to form a vertical scroll bar?
Vb6, put the picture control in the form, how to form a vertical scroll bar?


I in VB6, placed a lot of picture controls, used to represent some graphics, but now have more than one picture controls, I form long and wide is limited, I will now multiple picture controls directly on the form, when run the form, some picture is blocked, could not see, want to use the scroll bar to see all the picture controls, how do I solve?

CodePudding user response:

To handle the control position, such as can all put into a Frame, and then adjust the position of the Frame

CodePudding user response:

New picture of the coordinates of the position including the width and height, I are calculation can get, how to put in a frame? How to produce a scroll bar

CodePudding user response:

How to drag controls at run time know?
Can only give you look at a simple example of himself, the rest to you want to be, the scroll bar look ugly is also a "
Add a Frame1 controls' form
Private mx As Single
Private my As Single

Private Sub Frame1_MouseDown (Button As an Integer, Shift the As an Integer, As Single X, Y As Single)
If the Button=1 Then
End the If
End Sub

Private Sub Frame1_MouseMove (Button As an Integer, Shift the As an Integer, As Single X, Y As Single)
If the Button=1 Then
The Frame1) Left=Frame1) Left + (X - mx)
Frame1. Top=Frame1. Top + (Y - my)
End the If
End Sub

CodePudding user response:

My code like this: now display effect, but when the height of the inside box number more than the form, there is no scroll bar, in the form in a picturebox control, and the index set to 0, named as Pict
The code is as follows:
 Dim numBox As Integer 'each row shows the box number 
Dim leftStart topStart, img tags like HSpace, VSpace, WBox, HBox As Integer 'x, y starting point; The horizontal and vertical spacing
Dim oriTop As Integer 'y direction the initial coordinate values
Dim x_pos, y_pos As Integer 'current x and y values
Private Sub Form_Load ()
End Sub

Private Sub CreatePictArray ()
Dim As Integer I
For I=1 To 400
The Load Pict (I)
Pict (I). The Width=800
Pict (I). The Height=800
Pict (I). The Visible=False
Pict (0). The Visible=False
End Sub

Private Sub ListBox ()
Img tags like HSpace=40
Dim As Integer I
For I=1 To 60
If I Mod numBox=0 Then
X_pos=leftStart + ((I Mod numBox) + numBox - 1) * (WBox + img tags like HSpace)
Pict (I). The Visible=True
Pict (I). Left=x_pos
Pict (I). The Top=y_pos
Pict (I). The Picture=LoadPicture (" XXX. JPG ")
TopStart=(I/numBox) * (HBox + VSpace) + oriTop
The Else
Pict (I). The Visible=True
X_pos=leftStart + ((I Mod numBox) - 1) * (WBox + img tags like HSpace)
Pict (I). Left=x_pos
Pict (I). The Top=y_pos
Pict (I). The Picture=LoadPicture (" c: \ XXX. JPG ")
End the If
Next I
End Sub

CodePudding user response:

You try this, drag the Pict try running time
Private mx As Single, my As Single
Private numBox As Integer 'per line box number
Private leftStart topStart, img tags like HSpace, VSpace, WBox, HBox As Integer 'x, y starting point; The horizontal and vertical spacing

Private Sub Form_Load ()
Img tags like HSpace=40
CreatePictArray 400
End Sub

Private Sub CreatePictArray (ByVal Count As an Integer)
Dim As Integer I
For I=0 To Count - 1
If I & gt; Pict. UBound Then Load Pict (I)
Pict (I). Move leftsrart topStart, WBox, HBox
Pict (I). The Visible=True
Pict (I). AutoRedraw=True
Pict (I). The Print I
End Sub

Private Sub ListBox ()
Dim xPos As Single, yPos As Single
For I=0 To Pict. UBound
XPos=leftStart + (I Mod numBox) * (WBox + img tags like HSpace)
YPos=topStart + (I \ numBox) * (HBox + VSpace)
If (xPos + (WBox + img tags like HSpace) & gt; 0) And (yPos + + VSpace (HBox) & gt; 0) And (xPos + (WBox + img tags like HSpace) & lt; Me. ScaleWidth) And (yPos + + VSpace (HBox) & lt; Me. ScaleHeight) Then
Pict (I). Move xPos, yPos
Pict (I). The Visible=True
The Else
Pict (I). The Visible=False
End the If
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Resize ()
If the Me. The WindowState=1 Then the Exit Sub
End Sub

Private Sub pict_MouseDown (Index As an Integer, the Button As an Integer, Shift the As an Integer, As Single X, Y As Single)
If the Button=1 Then
End the If
End Sub

Private Sub pict_MouseMove (Index As an Integer, the Button As an Integer, Shift the As an Integer, As Single X, Y As Single)
If the Button=1 Then
'leftStart=leftStart + (X - mx)' don't want a horizontal moving this article commented out
TopStart=topStart + (Y - my)
End the If
End Sub

CodePudding user response:

Look at this post 15 floor, this is rolling a figure,
Principle of multiple figure, too, are offset (Value) - HScroll1. Value, - VScroll1.,

CodePudding user response:


Good old code, for your reference

CodePudding user response:

refer to 7th floor myjian response:

Good old code, for your reference

He saw a friend! Old hello

You the beauty of the nuzhen in compression bag is good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

CodePudding user response:
