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How to use a serial debugging assistants to receive a large amount of data and stored in the same TX


I'm using the v2.2 jian-wei gong teacher serial debugging assistant, I added some based on his source code to achieve its function, but it can't receive a large amount of data is stored in a document, the original program can only be part of the received data is saved as a TXT documents, I want to achieve will be under a machine from a large amount of data is stored in the same TXT documents, he wrote on the book is in this revision, I repeatedly see for several days, try some of the methods are not out, hope that will help get it, thank you very much,

Receiving part of the program source program in
LONG CSCOMMDlg: : OnCommunication (WPARAM ch, LPARAM port)
Rxdatacount++;//receiving byte count

StrTemp. The Format (" % ld, "rxdatacount);///the character into temporary variables strTemp store
StrTemp="RX:" + strTemp;
M_ctrlRXCOUNT. SetWindowText (strTemp);//reception counter

If (m_bStopDispRXData)//if you select the "stop showing" receiving data, it returns
return -1;//note that in this case, the count continues, just don't show
//set up a "empty" automatically, if, after reaching 50 lines, automatic emptying the receive in the edit box shows the data
If ((m_ctrlAutoClear GetCheck ()) & amp; & (m_ctrlReceiveData GetLineCount () & gt;=50))
M_ReceiveData. Empty ();
The UpdateData (FALSE);
//if there is no "automatic emptying", after data line 400, also automatic emptying
//because of too much data, impact speed, display is the most CPU time consuming operation
If (m_ctrlReceiveData GetLineCount () & gt; 400)
M_ReceiveData. Empty ();
M_ReceiveData="HTTP://https://bbs.csdn.net/topics/* * * The Length of The Text is too long, Emptied Automaticly!!! * * */r/n ";
The UpdateData (FALSE);

//if you choose the "hexadecimal display", displays hexadecimal values
Cstrings STR.

If (m_ctrlHexReceieve GetCheck ())
STR. The Format (" % 02 x ", ch);
The else
STR. The Format (" % c ", ch);
//here is will receive added at the end of the string of characters, it takes a lot of
//but considering the data needs to be saved into a file, so did not use the List Control
Int nLen=m_ctrlReceiveData. GetWindowTextLength ();
M_ctrlReceiveData. SetSel (nLen nLen);
M_ctrlReceiveData. ReplaceSel (STR);
NLen +=STR. GetLength ();

M_ReceiveData +=STR;
return 0;

Save the data part of the function of
Void CSCOMMDlg: : OnButtonSavedata ()
//TODO: Add your the control notification handler code here
The UpdateData (TRUE);
Int nLength;
NLength=m_strCurPath. GetLength ();//////m_strCurPath is a data file path

For (int nCount=0; NCount & lt; NLength; NCount++)
If (m_strCurPath GetAt (nCount)=='\ \')
CreateDirectory (m_strCurPath. Left (nCount + 1), NULL);
CreateDirectory (m_strCurPath, NULL);

CFile m_rFile;
LPCSTR lpszPath=m_strCurPath;//"c: \ \ comdata";
SetCurrentDirectory (lpszPath);

//file named Rec * *. TXT, the following code automatically detect file exists, if present, indicates that the serial number behind auto-increment
//such as Rec00. TXT Rec01. TXT, the program automatically to was about to save the file named Rec02. TXT.
Char buf [20].
for(int j=0; j<100; J++)
Sprintf (buf, "Rec % 02 d. TXT", j);
If ((access (buf, 0))==1)

if(! M_rFile. Open (buf, CFile: : modeCreate | CFile: : modeWrite))
AfxMessageBox (" failed to create log files!" );
If ((access (buf, 0))==1)
AfxMessageBox (" failed ");
CTime t=CTime: : GetCurrentTime ();
Cstrings STR=t.F ormat (" % d % % m Y year month day when H % m % % S second \ r \ n ");
M_rFile. Write (LPCTSTR STR, STR., GetLength ());
M_rFile. Write ((LPCTSTR) m_ReceiveData, m_ReceiveData GetLength ());////////the m_ReceiveData
M_rFile. Flush ();
M_rFile. Close ();

for(int i=0; i<5; I++)
STR +=buf [I];
STR +=". TXT saved ";
M_ctrlSavePath. SetWindowText (STR);
The SetTimer (2500, NULL);//save the file in timer state

CodePudding user response:

A serial port is very simple, write a serial port communication tools, receiving data preservation

CodePudding user response:

Strcpy (buf, "recv. TXT",);
if(! M_rFile. Open (buf, CFile: : modeCreate | CFile: : modeWrite | CFile: : modeNoTruncate))
AfxMessageBox (" failed to create log files!" );

CodePudding user response:


Look at the examples, can change had not

CodePudding user response:

I also encountered this problem, the original poster is how to solve???????

CodePudding user response:

You said friends, are also in the BBS?

CodePudding user response:

Must be in memory cache, receiving and display is not the same level, could you receive the 500 k, just shows the 200 k,
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