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Cleaning up startup.cs with extension methods?


I configure my database context by allowing changing of the connectionString based on the users cookie:

services.AddDbContext<HotdogContext>((serviceProvider, dbContextBuilder) =>
    string connectionString = "DatabaseUS"; // Default connection string
    var httpContextAccessor = serviceProvider.GetRequiredService<IHttpContextAccessor>();
    var dbNameCookie = httpContextAccessor.HttpContext.Request.Cookies.ContainsKey("country"); 
    if (dbNameCookie) // debug
        Console.Write("Country cookie exists!");

    var country = httpContextAccessor.HttpContext.Request.Cookies["country"]?.ToString() ?? "null";
    if (country.Equals("null"))
        Console.WriteLine("Country cookie is null");
    else if (country.Equals("USA"))
        Console.WriteLine("Set USA connection string");
        connectionString = "DatabaseUS";
    else if (country.Equals("AUS"))
        connectionString = "DatabaseAUS";
        Console.WriteLine("Set Australia connection string");
    else if (country.Equals("S.A."))
        //connectionString = "DatabaseSA";
        Console.WriteLine("Set South America connection string");

This clutters the startup.cs if I add additional databaseContexts to the program. Is there a way I can hide this logic from startup.cs and use extension methods?

services.AddDbContext<HotdogContext>((serviceProvider, dbContextBuilder) =>
    string connectionString = "DatabaseUS"; // Default connection string
    var httpContextAccessor = serviceProvider.GetRequiredService<IHttpContextAccessor>();
    var country = dbContextBuilder.GetRequestedCountry(httpContextAccessor); // Extension method
    if(country !=null) connectionString = country;

CodePudding user response:

One way is to define a service interface, then implement with your logic:

public interface IConnectionStringNameService
    string GetName();

public class ConnectionStringNameFromCookieService
    : IConnectionStringNameService
    private readonly HttpContext _httpContext;

    public ConnectionStringNameFromCookieService(
        HttpContextAccessor httpContextAccessor )
        _httpContext = httpContextAccessor.HttpContext;

    public string GetName()
        var country = _httpContext.Request
            .Cookies[ "country" ]
            ?? "default value"; // or throw exception

        return country switch =>
            "USA" => "DatabaseUS",
            "AUS" => "DatabaseAUS",
            "S.A." => "DatabaseSA",
            _ => "Default name or throw",

Then you register the service implementation with the container:

services.AddScoped<IConnectionStringNameService, ConnectionStringNameFromCookieService>();

Then you can resolve this service from the service provider when you need need the connection string name:

var connStrNameSvc = serviceProvider.GetRequiredService<IConnectionStringNameService>.();

var connStrName = connStrNameSvc.GetName();

In place (in the startup file), the above would abstract to:

    (serviceProvider, dbContextBuilder) =>
        var connStrName = serviceProvider
            Configuration.GetConnectionString( connStrName ) );

But you can then use an extension method to abstract this call to a single, simple line:

public class BlahBlahExtensionMethods
    // come up with a better name
    public IServiceCollection AddDbContextUsingCookieForConnStrName<TDbContext>(
        this IServiceCollection services )
        where TDbContext : DbContext
        return services.AddDbContext<TDbContext>(
            ( serviceProvider, dbContextBuilder ) =>
                var connStrName = serviceProvider
                    Configuration.GetConnectionString( connStrName ) );

Then in startup you'd only need:


Or you can inject the name provider into HotdogContext and use it in an OnConfiguring( DbContextOptionsBuilder ) method override.

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