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make template class with std::vector<T> non-copyable when T is non-copyable


#include <vector>
#include <memory>

template<typename T>
class V {
    template<typename U = T, std::enable_if_t<std::is_copy_assignable_v<U>, int> = 0>
    auto operator = (const V &rhs) -> V & { v = rhs.v; return *this; }
    std::vector<T> v;

template<typename T>
class U {
    template<typename U = T, std::enable_if_t<std::is_copy_assignable_v<U>, int> = 0>
    auto operator = (const U &rhs) -> U & { t = rhs.t; return *this; }
    T t;

int main()
    static_assert(!std::is_copy_assignable_v<std::unique_ptr<int>>);    // success
    static_assert(!std::is_copy_assignable_v<U<std::unique_ptr<int>>>); // success
    static_assert(!std::is_copy_assignable_v<V<std::unique_ptr<int>>>); // fail
    return 0;

Here, U<T> and V<T> have assignment operator when T is copy-assignable.

However, static_assert to check if V<std::unique_ptr<int>> is non-copy-assignable fails although similar check for U<std::unique_ptr<int>> successes.

Why does the static_assert fail for V<T> here and how can I fix it?

CodePudding user response:

Since C 20 this can be done simpler than using a conditional base, instead using a requires clause to enable/disable the default implementation of the copy assignment:

template<typename T>
class V {
    V(const V&) requires std::is_copy_constructible_v<T> = default;
    V(V&&) = default;

    auto operator=(const V&) -> V& requires std::is_copy_assignable_v<T> = default;
    auto operator=(V&&) -> V& = default;
    std::vector<T> v;

Although I think you really want (std::is_copy_assignable_v<T> && std::is_copy_constructible_v<T>) because the copy assignment of std::vector<T> may be using either.

CodePudding user response:

The special copy assignment operator is never a template. In cpp insights we can see that the compiler will generate a non-template copy assignment operator in addition to the template operator you provided.

You can conditionally disable special member functions of template class based on template parameter by inheriting from a base class with desired semantics

#include <type_traits>

class copyable { };
class no_copy_assign { void operator=(const no_copy_assign&) = delete; };

template<class T>
class A :
    std::conditional_t</* Condition */, copyable, no_copy_assign>
{ };
// Condition can be std::is_copy_assignable_v<T>

CodePudding user response:

This is how I would do it, with a constexpr function to evaluate copyable conditions. Compile time test code attached.

#include <type_traits>

class copyable

class non_copyable
    non_copyable(const non_copyable&) = delete;
    non_copyable& operator=(const non_copyable&) = delete;

template<typename type_t>
constexpr bool is_copyable()
        std::is_copy_constructible_v<type_t> &&

template<typename type_t>
class my_class_t :
    public std::conditional_t<is_copyable<type_t>(), copyable, non_copyable>

class test
    test() = default;
    ~test() = default;
    test(const test&) = delete;
    test& operator=(const test&) = delete;

int main()
    return 0;
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