need a bit of help with my function.
This is what I'm trying to do:
Build a predictive model that can give us the best guess at what the population growth rate in a given year might be. We will calculate the population growth rate as follows:
As such, we can only calculate the growth rate for the year 1961 onwards.
Write a function that takes the population_df and a country_code as input and computes the population growth rate for a given country starting from the year 1961. This function must return a return a 2-d numpy array that contains the year and corresponding growth rate for the country.
Function Specifications:
Should take a population_df and country_code string as input and return a numpy array as output. The array should only have two columns containing the year and the population growth rate, in other words, it should have a shape (?, 2) where ? is the length of the data.