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How to find all keys with certain name in json?


I have many similar JSON objects with different sizes, I need to run through all keys with certain names and get values of it.

for example I have 3 JSONs:

    "name": "temp",
    "url": "http://temp.com",
    "content": {
      "content": "temp",
      "url": "https://temp1.com"
    "name": "temp",
    "url": "http://temp.com",
    "content": [
        "content": "temp"
        "url": "https://temp1.com"
    "name": "temp",
    "content": {
      "content": "temp"

So I need extract the value from all keys "url" (but this key is not necessary and can be not in json )

the target output:


CodePudding user response:

Load it using module json and you will have normal list with dictionares and you can use .keys() to get all keys and check if there is 'url'.

And you need recursion to get keys from nested lists/dictionares.

Minimal working code with your example data

text = '''[
    "name": "temp",
    "url": "http://temp.com",
    "content": {
      "content": "temp",
      "url": "https://temp1.com"
    "name": "temp",
    "url": "http://temp.com",
    "content": [
        "content": "temp"
        "url": "https://temp1.com"
    "name": "temp",
    "content": {
      "content": "temp"
import json

def get_url(data, key):
    if isinstance(data, list):
        # check nested elements
        for item in data:
            yield from get_url(item, key)

    elif isinstance(data, dict):
        # check key in dictionary
        if key in data.keys():
            yield data[key]

        # check nested elements
        for item in data.values():
            yield from get_url(item, key)

# --- main ---

#with open('data.json') as fh:
#    data = json.load(fh)

data = json.loads(text)

results = list(get_url(data, 'url'))



['http://temp.com', 'https://temp1.com', 'http://temp.com', 'https://temp1.com']

If you want to get also path to element

def get_url(data, key, path=''):
    if isinstance(data, list):
        for number, item in enumerate(data):
            yield from get_url(item, key, f'{path}[{number}]')
    elif isinstance(data, dict):
        if key in data.keys():
            yield (data[key], f'{path}["{key}"]')
        for name, item in data.items():
            yield from get_url(item, key, f'{path}["{name}"]')


   ('http://temp.com', '[0]["url"]'), 
   ('https://temp1.com', '[0]["content"]["url"]'), 
   ('http://temp.com', '[1]["url"]'), 
   ('https://temp1.com', '[1]["content"][1]["url"]')

CodePudding user response:

I think a recursive generator is probably the way to go about this:

def iter_values(key, list_or_dict):
    if isinstance(list_or_dict, list):
        # we're inside a list now, so yield from each element
        for obj in list_or_dict:
            if isinstance(obj, (list, dict)):
                yield from iter_values(key, obj)
    # we're dealing with a dict,
    # so check if it has the key and if so,
    # yield it
    if key in list_or_dict:
        yield list_or_dict[key]

    # it's possible there is a nested object in a different key
    # (e.g. your "content" which has a "url"),
    # so iterate over those as well
    for k, v in list_or_dict.items():
        if k != key and isinstance(v, (list, dict)):
            yield from iter_values(v)

If you don't know how generators work, you can turn it into a list by doing

list(iter_values("url", data))
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