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Split an array into multiple arrays by empty string - Typescript


How can I split an array into multiple arrays and store each of these new arrays as their own variable?


  let arr: string[] = [
"range rover",

How can I split this array with TypeScript to new arrays like (before every new variable there is an empty string in the array (before Names, Genders and Cars):

names: string[] = ["Names", "jack", "paul", "sarah",]

genders: string[] = ["m","m","m","f"]

cars: string[] = ["Cars", "range rover", "bmw", "mercedes", "dodge",]

CodePudding user response:

You can use the reduce() array method to walk through arr and accumulate your output array of arrays of strings:

const result = arr.reduce<string[][]>(
    (a, s) => !s ? [...a, []] : [...a.slice(0, -1), [...a[a.length - 1], s]]
    , []);

In the above, a is the accumulator which stores the output so far, and s is the current string element from arr. The idea is that s is an empty string you add a new empty array to the end of a, and when s is non-empty you put it at the end of the last array in s.

I've gone the route of treating everything as immutable, using the slice() array method and destructuring assignment and array spread to manipulate arrays. The value [...a, []] has the same elements as a with a new empty array at the end. The value [...a.slice(0, -1), [...a[a.length - 1], s]] has the same elements as a except the last one has s added to the end. (a.slice(0, -1) uses the slice() array method to get a copy of a without the last element, and a[a.length-1] is that last element.)

Let's test it:

/* [["Names", "jack", "paul", "sarah"], 
    ["Genders", "m", "m", "m", "f"], 
    ["Cars", "range rover", "bmw", "mercedes", "dodge"]]*/

Looks good, and you can assign those arrays to separate variables if you want:

const [names, genders, cars] = result;

console.log({ names, genders, cars });
/* {
  "names": [
  "genders": [
  "cars": [
    "range rover",
} */

Looks like what you wanted.

Playground link to code

CodePudding user response:

Use JS Object for storing this kind of data structure:

type myObject = {
   "Names": ["jack", "paul", "sarah"],
   "Genders": ["m","m","m","f"],
   "Cars": ["range rover", "bmw", "mercedes", "dodge"]

then you access like this:

myObject.Names => ["jack", "paul", "sarah"]
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