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How to get the selected e-mails in Outlook via Excel?


I've got the code for Excel - it refers to Outlook folder and loops the items, all OK. Code picks each item of folder items and chooses the needed ones by parametres. But I want this code to work with Outlook Selection - user chooses mails in Outlook and press button on Excel. When I try to determine variable as Outlook.Selection directly like

Public myOlSel As Outlook.Selection

it returns an error, because I need to switch settings to Outlook object model - but I'm writing a tool for common users, and common user can't switch on any models, he can only press the button to start macros :) I determine variable myOlSel as Object and try to set it as Selection of Outlook application object

Set myOlSel = olApp.Selection

And it also doesn't work. I guess, that it happen, because VBA Excel and Outlook both have selection in object model refering with the same synthax.

Sub CheckEmailsSelected()
Set olApp = GetObject(, "Outlook.Application")
Set olNameSpace = olApp.Session '.GetNameSpace("MAPI")
Dim att As Object
If Param3 = 1 Then
Set myOlSel = olApp.Selection

For Each mItem In myOlSel.Items
If mItem.Unread = True Then
    If DateValue(mItem.LastModificationTime) >= DateValue(Now) Then
        If mItem.Attachments.Count > 0 Then
 count4 = count4   1

        Set att = mItem.Attachments
        For i = 1 To att.Count
        If Right(att.Item(i).Filename, 4) = "xlsx" Or Right(att.Item(i).Filename, 3) = "xls" Then
        count5 = count5   1
        ReDim Preserve Stat(10, count5)
        Stat(1, count5) = mItem.LastModificationTime
        Stat(2, count5) = mItem.Companies
        Stat(3, count5) = mItem.Subject
        Stat(4, count5) = mItem.Sender
        Stat(5, count5) = mItem.SenderEmailAddress
        Stat(6, count5) = att.Item(i).Filename
        If Right(att.Item(i).Filename, 4) = "xlsx" Then Stat(7, count5) = Path2 & "\" & "Temp" & "\" & Right(mItem.EntryID, 24) & "-" & i & ".xlsx" Else Stat(7, count5) = Path2 & "\" & "Temp" & "\" & Right(mItem.EntryID, 24) & "-" & i & ".xls"
        Stat(8, count5) = mItem.Unread
        Stat(10, count5) = mItem.EntryID
        If Right(att.Item(i).Filename, 4) = "xlsx" Then att.Item(i).SaveAsFile Path2 & "\" & "Temp" & "\" & Right(mItem.EntryID, 24) & "-" & i & ".xlsx" Else: att.Item(i).SaveAsFile Path2 & "\" & "Temp" & "\" & Right(mItem.EntryID, 24) & "-" & i & ".xls"
        End If
        Next i
        End If
    End If
End If
Next mItem

End If

End Sub

How can I get Outlook Selection from Excel?

CodePudding user response:

Try this:

Sub CheckEmailsSelected()
    Dim olApp As Object, m As Object
    Set olApp = GetObject(, "Outlook.Application")
    Set myOlSel = olApp.ActiveExplorer.Selection
    For Each m In myOlSel
        If m.Class = 43 Then ' olMail = 43
            Debug.Print m.Subject
        End If
End Sub
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