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How to integrate two CMemDC classes code together?


In the integration of the two different code, two different CMemDC class conflicts, now want to integrate them together, but only a memdc. H file, another memdc. CPP and memdc. H two files, I do not know how to integrate?
1, the first memdc. H
 # # ifndef _MEMDC_H_ 
The class CMemDC: public CDC

//the constructor sets up the memory DC
CMemDC (pDC) CDC * : CDC ()

M_bMemDC=! PDC - & gt; IsPrinting ();

If (m_bMemDC)//Create a Memory DC
PDC - & gt; GetClipBox (& amp; M_rect);
CreateCompatibleDC (pDC);
M_bitmap. CreateCompatibleBitmap (pDC, m_rect Width (), m_rect. Height ());
M_pOldBitmap=SelectObject (& amp; M_bitmap);
SetWindowOrg (m_rect left, m_rect. Top);
The else//Make a copy of the relevent parts of the current DC for printing
M_bPrinting=pDC - & gt; M_bPrinting;
M_hDC=pDC - & gt; M_hDC;
M_hAttribDC=pDC - & gt; M_hAttribDC;

//Destructor copies the contents of the mem DC to the the original DC
~ CMemDC ()
If (m_bMemDC)
//Copy the offscreen bitmap onto the screen.
M_pDC - & gt; BitBlt (m_rect m_rect. Left, top, m_rect. The Width (), m_rect. Height (),
This, m_rect left, m_rect. Top SRCCOPY);

//Swap back the the original bitmap.
SelectObject (m_pOldBitmap);
} else {
//All we need to do is replace the DC with an illegal value,
//this keeps us from accidently deleting the handles associated with
//the CDC that was passed to the constructor.

//Allow the usage as a pointer
CMemDC * operator - & gt; () {return this; }

//Allow the usage as a pointer
Operator CMemDC * () {return this; }

CBitmap m_bitmap;//Offscreen bitmap
CBitmap * m_pOldBitmap;//bitmap originally found in CMemDC
The CDC * m_pDC;//Saves the CDC passed in the constructor
CRect m_rect;//a Rectangle of drawing area.
BOOL m_bMemDC;//TRUE if the CDC really is a Memory DC.

# endif

2, the second class is memdc. CPP and memdc h two files
Memdc. H

The class CMemDC: public CDC
CMemDC (UINT heigh, UINT width);

//the Attributes

HBITMAP CloseMemDC ();
Virtual ~ CMemDC ();

CBitmap m_bitmap;
CBitmap * m_pOldBitmap;
UINT m_bmpHeigh;
UINT m_bmpWidth;

Memdc. CPP
 # include "stdafx. H" 
# include "MemDC. H"

# ifdef _DEBUG
# define new DEBUG_NEW
# undef THIS_FILE
The static char THIS_FILE []=__FILE__;
# endif
CMemDC: : CMemDC (UINT width, UINT heigh)
The CDC * pDC=CDC: : FromHandle (: : GetDC (GetDesktopWindow ()));
CreateCompatibleDC (pDC);
M_bitmap. CreateCompatibleBitmap (pDC, m_bmpWidth m_bmpHeigh);
M_pOldBitmap=SelectObject (& amp; M_bitmap);
: : ReleaseDC (GetDesktopWindow (), pDC - & gt; M_hDC);

CMemDC: : ~ CMemDC ()
SelectObject (m_pOldBitmap);
M_bitmap. DeleteObject ();
DeleteDC ();
HBITMAP CMemDC: : CloseMemDC ()
SelectObject (m_pOldBitmap);
Return (HBITMAP) (m_bitmap Detach ());

Now want to put the back of the MemDC class integrated into the first MemDC. H, how to deal with? Thank you very much!

CodePudding user response:

 class CMemDC: public CDC 
CMemDC (UINT heigh, UINT width)
The CDC * pDC=CDC: : FromHandle (: : GetDC (GetDesktopWindow ()));
CreateCompatibleDC (pDC);
M_bitmap. CreateCompatibleBitmap (pDC, m_bmpWidth m_bmpHeigh);
M_pOldBitmap=SelectObject (& amp; M_bitmap);
: : ReleaseDC (GetDesktopWindow (), pDC - & gt; M_hDC);
//the constructor sets up the memory DC
CMemDC (pDC) CDC * : CDC ()

M_bMemDC=! PDC - & gt; IsPrinting ();

If (m_bMemDC)//Create a Memory DC
PDC - & gt; GetClipBox (& amp; M_rect);
CreateCompatibleDC (pDC);
M_bitmap. CreateCompatibleBitmap (pDC, m_rect Width (), m_rect. Height ());
M_pOldBitmap=SelectObject (& amp; M_bitmap);
SetWindowOrg (m_rect left, m_rect. Top);
The else//Make a copy of the relevent parts of the current DC for printing
M_bPrinting=pDC - & gt; M_bPrinting;
M_hDC=pDC - & gt; M_hDC;
M_hAttribDC=pDC - & gt; M_hAttribDC;

//Destructor copies the contents of the mem DC to the the original DC
~ CMemDC ()
If (1==m_nIndex)
SelectObject (m_pOldBitmap);
M_bitmap. DeleteObject ();
DeleteDC ();
The else {
If (m_bMemDC)
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