Home > Software engineering >  I am getting the 404 Not Found error even through the route is present
I am getting the 404 Not Found error even through the route is present


I am getting the following error


even if the route exists.


public function index($id = NULL)
$tasks = Task::where('project_id', $id)->get();
} else {
$tasks = Task::all();

$project = Project::findOrFail($id)->load(['tasks']);
return view('task.index', compact('tasks','project'));


Route::get('/task/index/{id?}', [TaskController::class, 'index'])->name('task.index');

When I am directed to this page I cannot see it due to the error written above.

Can anyone kindly tell me where the problem is?

Relationship defined in the Client model:

public function projects()
        return $this->hasMany(Project::class);

public function tasks()
        return $this->hasManyThrough(Task::class, Project::class);

Relationship defined in the Project model:

public function client()
        return $this->belongsTo(Client::class);

    public function tasks()
        return $this->hasMany(Task::class);

Relationship defined in the Task model:

public function project()
        return $this->belongsTo(Project::class);


public function index($id = NULL)
        $tasks = Task::all();
        $project = Project::find($id)->load(['tasks']);     
        return view('task.index', compact('tasks','project'));

clients id - integer name - string

projects id - integer client_id - integer name - string

tasks id - integer project_id - integer title - string

CodePudding user response:

Your route should be accessible via site.domain/task/index and not site.domain/task if you want to be able to access with /task your route should be Route::get('/task/{id?}', [TaskController::class, 'index'])->name('task.index'); Pay attention on the url you specified in your routes.

Update : in your controller

  $tasks = Task::where('project_id', $id)->get();
} else {
  $tasks = Task::with('project')->get();
return view('task.index', compact('tasks'));

then in your view may be something like this

@foreach($tasks as $task)
  display $task->project->name

(if i am not wrong analyzed i assumed 1 project has many task and 1 task belongs to 1 project)

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