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removing/check if there are duplicates from array and saving/updating the array dynamically in local


I have this function to push data into the array and save it in localstorage. My problem is that my function pushes to the array/saves to localstorage even though the same profileID exists. I want something that checks if the same profileId already exists remove the object and from localstorage/array then push to local storage/array. In short i do not want duplicates of the same profileID saved in localstorage or the array. I also want to keep the most new object instead of old and new saved in the array for the same profilID

    var myobj = {
      Button: this.isReadMore,
       Class: this.sampleElem.className,
      ProfiliD: this.id,

    const saved = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('CollapseState'));
    if(saved != null){


this is what localStorage looks like now

0: {Button: true, Class: "ShowHide", ProfiliD: "115279"}
1: [{Button: true, Class: "ShowHide", ProfiliD: "115279"},…]
  0: {Button: true, Class: "ShowHide", ProfiliD: "115279"}
  1: [{Button: true, Class: "ShowHide", ProfiliD: "115192"}]

I would really appreciatie any help

CodePudding user response:

The easiest way to achieve what you want is to make a sync function call and then call it below every mutating array method.

function sync() {
  // grab all localstorage
  // remove duplication
  // set it back to localstorage

Now, insert the sync function

if (saved != null) {
  localStorage.setItem('CollapseState', JSON.stringify(this.array));
} else {
  localStorage.setItem('CollapseState', JSON.stringify(this.array));

sync(); // call the function below any array.push()

CodePudding user response:

you should update existing item in array instead of push new one when same ProfiliD exists in localStorage:

    var myobj = {
      Button: this.isReadMore,
       Class: this.sampleElem.className,
      ProfiliD: this.id,

    const saved = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('CollapseState'));
    if(saved != null){
      this.array[this.array.findIndex(x=>x.ProfiliD == myobj.ProfiliD)] = myobj;


CodePudding user response:

As CollapseState is containing an array of objects in a localStorage. You can follow below steps to achieve this requirement :

  • Check if CollapseState array exist in localStorage or not (which you already doing)

    const saved = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('CollapseState'));
  • Now as saved will be an array, You can iterate over it to check if ProfiliD exist or not. If exist, splice/remove the object from the array.

    saved.forEach((o, index) => {
      if (o.ProfiliD === myobj.ProfiliD) {
        saved.splice(index, 1);
  • Now push the newObj into the saved array.

  • Final step, set this updated saved array into the localStorage.

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