I have 4 folders (named W1, W3, W5, W7) and each one of those folders has approximately 30 subfolders (named M1 - M30). Each subfolder contains 24 .tif files (named Image_XX.tif).
I need to randomly "sample" each subfolder, more specifically, I need to get rid of 14 .tif files while keeping 10 .tif files in each subfolder.
I figure that deleting 14 files at random is easier than choosing 10 files at random and copying them to new subfolders within folders.
I thought that writing a bash script to do so would be the way, but I'm fairly new to programming and I'm stuck.
Below is one of the several scripts I've tried:
for dir in /Users/Fer/Subsets/W1/; do
if [ -d "$dir" ]; then
cd "$dir"
gshuf -zn14 -e *.tif | xargs -0 rm
cd ..
It runs for a second, but nothing seems to happen. Any help is appreciated.
CodePudding user response:
- For every subdirectory.
- Find all files.
- Choose a random number of files from the list.
- Delete.
I think something along:
for dir in /Users/Fer/Subsets/W*/M*/; do
printf "%s\n" "$dir"/*.tif |
shuf -z -n 14 |
xargs -0 -t echo rm -v
CodePudding user response:
Used some of the suggestions above and the code below worked:
for dir in /Users/Fer/Subsets/W*/M*; do
gshuf -zn14 -e "$dir"/*.tif | xargs -0 rm