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Pivot tables in Python - how to add percentages and subtotals


How can I easily and subtotals for each level and express the numbers in percentages in Python? I have the data below and I would like to add one column which will express the numbers as the percentage of total values in column or as a percentage of total values for a given level. How can I do that easily?

import pandas as pd

table = pd.pivot_table(df, index=['A', 'B'],aggfunc=np.sum)

Is there any other solution than the one proposed here Pandas pivot table Percent Calculations?

CodePudding user response:

IIUC, you can use a simple division or a division by the sum per group:

table.assign(**{'%total': lambda d: d['C'].div(d['C'].sum()),
                '%level': lambda d: d['C'].div(d.groupby(level=0)['C'].transform('sum')),


        C  %total  %level
A B                      
x one   2    0.04     0.2
  two   8    0.16     0.8
y one  18    0.36     0.9
  two   2    0.04     0.1
z one   2    0.04     0.1
  two  18    0.36     0.9

NB. The command is chainable, you can pipe it directly after your pivot_table

table = (pd.pivot_table(...)
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