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User level threads vs Kernel level threads


I'm aware that User Level threads are created on the User Mode( no privileges) and Kernel threads are created in the Kernel Mode( privileged). I am also aware that Processor threads are hardware threads that operate on Kernel Threads( I hope I am correct by putting it in this way)

Here is my confusion:-

  1. User Level threads are not recognized by the OS as they are created, maintained and destroyed on the User Level. The OS doesn't see a multithreaded process from the User Mode as being multithreaded. It treats it as a single threaded process. Therefore, this program cannot take advantage of Multiprocessing, I guess it cannot take advantage of hyperthreading as well since it appears as single threaded in the OS. So what's the use of Multithreading in this case? I mean the computation time will still be the same

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