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USB HID programming, after the long running process writefile there will be a 1453 error


RT, and your advice, please

CodePudding user response:

(1453) - quota is not enough, unable to complete the requested service,

CodePudding user response:

This I know, do you have any good solution?

CodePudding user response:

Any speed of sending and receiving ends inconsistent communication, need to use a large enough between them the FIFO buffer,
The use of any FIFO buffer, are all need to carefully consider the receiver to receive countless overtime according to and the sender sends the FIFO buffer is full in both cases what to do,
These concepts are reflected in this period of classic code,
This period of classic code includes the following factors must be considered:
Pieces across Windows and Linux platform
Mixer multithreaded lock
Mixer multithreaded log
Pieces of log files take up disk space controllable
Pieces of log time including milliseconds
Pieces of data transferred corresponding each byte is a few
In pieces how to exit the multithreaded program
In pieces...
//loop to a function sends a length of 200 bytes (this is the fixed) buffer, 
//a function need to incoming buffer, the circulation of 240 bytes (fixed) new buffer for processing,
//when dealing with each new printing takes two bytes of the buffer
# ifdef _MSC_VER
# pragma warning (4996) disable:
# endif
# ifdef _MSC_VER
# define MYVOID void
# define vsnprintf _vsnprintf
# the else
# define CRITICAL_SECTION pthread_mutex_t
# define MYVOID void *
# endif
//the Log {
# define MAXLOGSIZE 20000000
# define MAXLINSIZE 16000
Char logfilename1 []="MyLog1. Log";
Char logfilename2 []="MyLog2. Log";
The static char logstr [MAXLINSIZE + 1];
Char datestr [16].
Char timestr [16].
Char MSS [4].
The FILE * flog;
# ifdef _MSC_VER
The Lock (CRITICAL_SECTION void * l) {
The EnterCriticalSection (l);
Void Unlock (CRITICAL_SECTION * l) {
LeaveCriticalSection (l);
Void sleep_ms (int) ms {
Sleep (ms).
# the else
The Lock (CRITICAL_SECTION void * l) {
Pthread_mutex_lock (l);
Void Unlock (CRITICAL_SECTION * l) {
Pthread_mutex_unlock (l);
Void sleep_ms (int) ms {
Usleep (ms * 1000);
# endif
Void LogV (const char * pszFmt, va_list argp) {
* struct tm now;
Struct timeb TB;

If (NULL==pszFmt | | 0==pszFmt [0]) return;
Vsnprintf (logstr, MAXLINSIZE pszFmt, argp);
Ftime (& amp; TB);
Now=localtime (& amp; TB. Time);
Sprintf (datestr, "% d % % 4 d - 02-02 d", now - & gt; Tm_year + 1900, now - & gt; Tm_mon + 1, now - & gt; Tm_mday);
Sprintf (timestr, "02 02 02 % d: % d: % d", now - & gt; Tm_hour, now - & gt; Tm_min, now - & gt; Tm_sec);
Sprintf (MSS, "% 3 d", TB. Millitm);
Printf (" % s % s. % s % s ", datestr, timestr, MSS, logstr);
Flog=fopen (logfilename1, "a");
If (NULL! Flog)={
Fprintf (flog, "% s % s. % s % s", datestr, timestr, MSS, logstr);
If (ftell (flog) & gt; MAXLOGSIZE) {
The fclose (flog);
If (rename (logfilename1 logfilename2)) {
Remove (logfilename2);
Rename (logfilename1 logfilename2);
} else {
The fclose (flog);
Void the Log (const char * pszFmt,... ) {
Va_list argp;

The Lock (& amp; Cs_log);
Va_start (argp, pszFmt);
LogV (pszFmt argp);
Va_end (argp);
Unlock (& amp; Cs_log);
//the Log}
# define ASIZE 200
# define BSIZE 240
# define CSIZE 2
Char Abuf [ASIZE];
Char Cbuf [CSIZE];
Int the head;
Int tail;
Int size;
Char data [BSIZE];
} BBB;
Int No_Loop=0;
Void HexDump) (int cn, char * buf, int len) {
int i,j,k;
Char binstr [80].

The Lock (& amp; Cs_HEX);
For (I=0; IIf (0==16) (I %) {
Sprintf (binstr, "% 3 d % 4 x -", cn, I);
Sprintf (binstr, "% s % 02 x", binstr, buf (unsigned char) [I]);
} else if (15==16) (I %) {
Sprintf (binstr, "% s % 02 x", binstr, buf (unsigned char) [I]);
Sprintf (binstr, "% s", binstr);
For (j=I - 15; j<=I; J++) {
Sprintf (binstr, "% s % c," binstr, ('! '& lt; Buf [j] & amp; & Buf [j] <='~')? Buf [j] : '. ');
The Log (" % s \ n ", binstr);
} else {
Sprintf (binstr, "% s % 02 x", binstr, buf (unsigned char) [I]);
If (0! 16)=(I %) {
16 k=16 - (I %);
For (j=0; jSprintf (binstr, "% s", binstr);
Sprintf (binstr, "% s", binstr);
K=16 - k;
For (j=I - k; jSprintf (binstr, "% s % c," binstr, ('! '& lt; Buf [j] & amp; & Buf [j] <='~')? Buf [j] : '. ');
The Log (" % s \ n ", binstr);
Unlock (& amp; Cs_HEX);
Int GetFromRBuf (int cn, CRITICAL_SECTION * cs, struct FIFO_BUFFER * fbuf, char * buf, int len) {
Int lent, len1 len2;

The Lock (cs);
If (fbuf - & gt; Size> Len)={
If (fbuf - & gt; The head + lent> BSIZE) {
Len1=BSIZE fbuf - & gt; The head;
Memcpy (buf, fbuf - & gt; The data + fbuf - & gt; The head, len1);
Len2=lent - len1;
Memcpy (buf + len1 fbuf - & gt; The data, len2);
Fbuf - & gt; The head=len2;
} else {
Memcpy (buf, fbuf - & gt; The data + fbuf - & gt; The head, lent);
Fbuf - & gt; The head +=lent;
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