Link to input file for testing is samples.bin
I can pass ranges of values by delimiting two integers with a -
in my script:
[root@usreliance Biorad]# ./ -s 0-9 -c 0-3
Ch0 Ch1 Ch2 Ch3
Sample 0: 0x1a03 0x1a03 0x4a03 0x5703
Sample 1: 0x4b03 0x4403 0x1e03 0x0904
Sample 2: 0x1003 0x1903 0x4003 0xae03
Sample 3: 0x1e03 0x2603 0x3303 0xad03
Sample 4: 0x1003 0x8403 0x4303 0x6203
Sample 5: 0xe003 0x1603 0x3403 0xc403
Sample 6: 0xf802 0x3b03 0x5303 0x6103
Sample 7: 0x1003 0x1503 0x4203 0x5803
Sample 8: 0x2303 0x1f03 0x5703 0x6203
Sample 9: 0x1703 0x7303 0x3103 0x3303
[root@usreliance Biorad]# ./ -s 0-9 -c 2-3
Ch2 Ch3
Sample 0: 0x4a03 0x5703
Sample 1: 0x1e03 0x0904
Sample 2: 0x4003 0xae03
Sample 3: 0x3303 0xad03
Sample 4: 0x4303 0x6203
Sample 5: 0x3403 0xc403
Sample 6: 0x5303 0x6103
Sample 7: 0x4203 0x5803
Sample 8: 0x5703 0x6203
Sample 9: 0x3103 0x3303
But I want to be able to pass nonconsecutive values delimited by ,
[root@usreliance Biorad]# ./ -s 1,3,5 -c 0-3
Ch0 Ch1 Ch2 Ch3
Sample 1: 0x4b03 0x4403 0x1e03 0x0904
Sample 3: 0x1e03 0x2603 0x3303 0xad03
Sample 5: 0xe003 0x1603 0x3403 0xc403
[root@usreliance Biorad]# ./ -s 0-9 -c 0,3
Ch0 Ch3
Sample 0: 0x1a03 0x5703
Sample 1: 0x4b03 0x0904
Sample 2: 0x1003 0xae03
Sample 3: 0x1e03 0xad03
Sample 4: 0x1003 0x6203
Sample 5: 0xe003 0xc403
Sample 6: 0xf802 0x6103
Sample 7: 0x1003 0x5803
Sample 8: 0x2303 0x6203
Sample 9: 0x1703 0x3303
Here is my script in its current state right now:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
while getopts ':c:s:t' opt; do
case $opt in
s) samps="$OPTARG" ;;
c) chans="$OPTARG" ;;
t) total=true ;;
*) printf 'Unrecognized option "%s"\n' "$opt" >&2
shift $(( OPTIND - 1 ))
if [[ $total == true ]]; then
printf "Total Samples: "$(hexdump -v -e '8/1 "x " "\n"' samples.bin | wc -l)"\n"
else {
hexdump -v -e '8/1 "x " "\n"' samples.bin |
awk -v samps="$samps" -v chans="$chans" '
# split sample string to arrays using "-" as delimiter
split(samps, srange, "-")
# split channel string
split(chans, crange, "-")
# arbitrary INT_MAX
# default 4 channels as per prerequisite example
# set default samples
if (!srange[1]) srange[1] = 0
if (!srange[2]) srange[2] = int_max
# set default channels
if (!crange[1]) crange[1] = 0
if (!crange[2]) crange[2] = crange[1] chan_default-1
# print channel header row
printf "\t\t"
for (i=crange[1]; i<=crange[2]; i ) {
printf("Ch%d%s", i, (i==crange[2]?"\n":"\t"))
if(NR >= srange[1] 1 && NR <= srange[2] 1) {
start=(crange[1] 1) * 2 - 1
end=(crange[2] 1 ) * 2
# print sample range
printf("Sample %d:\t", NR-1)
# print channel range in sample line
for (i = start; i <= end; i =2) {
j = i 1
printf("0x%s%s%s", $i, $j, (i==end||j==end?"\n":"\t"))
The user should be able to pass as many arguments after -s
or -c
as they like, i,e..,
[root@usreliance Biorad]# ./ -s 0,7,23,44 -c 0,2
EXTRA CREDIT: Pass multiple range and nonconsecutive values in one pass, i.e..,
[root@usreliance Biorad]# ./ -s 0,7,23,44-99,214-300 -c 0,2-3
CodePudding user response:
I see you are using awk/split to process args. You may use the same split method here but with , instead if - . Then loop through that array to fetch values
CodePudding user response:
One idea is to expand the range of numbers into the list of rows/columns to be printed in advance, and print the matched rows/columns while processing the input. Then would you please try:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
while getopts ':c:s:t' opt; do
case $opt in
s) samps="$OPTARG" ;;
c) chans="$OPTARG" ;;
t) total="true" ;;
*) printf 'Unrecognized option "%s"\n' "$opt" >&2
shift $(( OPTIND - 1 ))
# if input_file is not specified, print usage and exit
if (( $# == 0 )); then
echo "usage: $0 ([-s samples] [-c channels] | -t) file"
exit 1
read -r size _ < <(wc -c "$infile")
lines=$(( (size - 1) / 8 )) # last line number
if [[ $total == "true" ]]; then
printf "Total Samples: "$(hexdump -v -e '8/1 "x " "\n"' "$infile" | wc -l)"\n"
hexdump -v -e '8/1 "x " "\n"' "$infile" |
awk -v samps="$samps" -v chans="$chans" -v lines="$lines" '
# expand comma-separated range parameters into individual numbers
# assigning indexes of array "a"
# omitted range parameters default to min or max individually
function expn(str, a, min, max, i, j, b, c, l, last) {
if (str == "") { # if "str" is empty
for (i = min; i <= max; i ) a[i] # then set full range
last = max
} else {
gsub(/[^0-9,-]/, "", str) # remove irregular characters
split(str, b, /,/) # split on ","
for (i in b) { # loop over csv
l = split(b[i], c, /-/) # split on "-"
if (l == 1) a[c[1]] # single number
else if (l == 2) { # dash-ranged numbers
if (c[1] == "") c[1] = min # default to "min"
if (c[2] == "") c[2] = max # default to "max"
for (j = c[1]; j <= c[2]; j ) a[j]
if (last < c[2]) last = c[2]
return last # last line number to process
# expand sample string to array "srange"
last = expn(samps, srange, 0, lines)
# expand channel string to array "crange"
expn(chans, crange, 0, 3)
# print channel header row
printf "\t"
for (c = 0; c <= 3; c ) {
if (c in crange) {
printf("\tCh%d", c)
print ""
if (NR-1 > last) exit # exit earlier if remaining are out of interest
if (NR-1 in srange) {
# print sample range
printf("Sample %d:", NR-1)
# print channel range in sample line
for (c = 0; c <= 3; c ) {
if (c in crange) {
i = c * 2 1
j = i 1
printf("\t0x%s%s", $i, $j)
print ""
- The function
expands the string e.g.0,7,23-25
into an array0,7,23,24,25
. You can even omit the start/end number such as-10,100-
which expands to0-10,100-lastline
. - As the indexes are created as many as the specified range, it may be slow if the file is large.
- The bash variable
is assigned to the total (maximum) line number and passed to awk. - As it is not recommended to embed a filename in the script, I've modified the usage to pass the filename as the last argument.
Example of execution:
$ ./ -s 1,3,5,7-9 -c 0,2-3 samples.bin
Ch0 Ch2 Ch3
Sample 1: 0x4b03 0x1e03 0x0904
Sample 3: 0x1e03 0x3303 0xad03
Sample 5: 0xe003 0x3403 0xc403
Sample 7: 0x1003 0x4203 0x5803
Sample 8: 0x2303 0x5703 0x6203
Sample 9: 0x1703 0x3103 0x3303