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sed or awk, removing curly brackets but only if there are no commas inside brackets


i have a string and need to remove { and } if there is no comma inside curly brackets,


ex00/{ft_strdup.c} ex04/{ft_convert_base.c,ft_convert_base2.c} ex05/{ft_split.c}

want to create these files with touch, curly brackets work for multiple files but gives error at single file, how can i remove brackets if there is no comma (meaning single file)?


desired output:

ex00/ft_strdup.c ex04/{ft_convert_base.c,ft_convert_base2.c} ex05/ft_split.c

to explain what is task of script: i have a txt file and inside it have such lines:

Turn-in directory : ex06/

Files to turn in : ft_this.c, ft_that.h

Turn-in directory : ex07/

Files to turn in : ft_test.c

now i need to create these files with touch

files=$(cat subject.txt \
| grep "Turn-in directory\|Files to turn in" \
| tr -d ' ' \
| awk -F: '{print $2 "}"}' \
| tr -d '\n' \
| sed 's/ex/ ex/g' \
| sed 's/\//\/\{/g' \
| sed 's/{}/{/g')

eval "touch $files"

CodePudding user response:

Using any sed:

$ sed 's/{\([^,}]*\)}/\1/g' file
ex00/ft_strdup.c ex04/{ft_convert_base.c,ft_convert_base2.c} ex05/ft_split.c

Note that the above will work no matter which characters except ,, {, }, or \n exist in your file names, e.g. these are all valid file names:

$ cat file
ex00/{ft_strdup1.c} ex05/{ft-split.c} ex05/{ft=s&pl#it.c}

$ sed 's/{\([^,}]*\)}/\1/g' file
ex00/ft_strdup1.c ex05/ft-split.c ex05/ft=s&pl#it.c

If your file names can contain any of the characters I mentioned above as excluded then ask a new question including those in your sample input/output.

CodePudding user response:

Using sed

$ sed -E 's/\{([[:alpha:]_.] )}/\1/g' input_file
touch ex00/ft_strdup.c ex04/{ft_convert_base.c,ft_convert_base2.c} ex05/ft_split.c

CodePudding user response:

With your shown samples please try following awk code. Written and tested in GNU awk.

awk -v RS='{[^}]*}' '
  if(!sub(/,/,"&",RT)){ gsub(/^{|}$/,"",RT) }
{ ORS=RT }
END{ print "" }
'  Input_file

CodePudding user response:

This might work for you (GNU sed):

sed 's/{\([^,]*\)}/\1/g' file

Match globally on a pair of curly braces only when the contents between them does not contain a comma and replace the match by the contents.

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