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k8s persistent volumes "groups"?


I have a statefulset with 2 persistent volumes on each replica . . . I need to keep "groups" of disks together, so that app-disk-0 & data-disk-0 will always be on a pod together, app-disk-1 & data-disk-1 will always be on a pod together, etc. Is this possible without manual intervention?

CodePudding user response:

You could add some labels to your volumeClaimTemplates.

Although whenever I see pods attaching multiple PVC, I would try to refactor those. You could usually have something like:

- name: pv
  persistentVolumeClaim: xxx
- volumeMounts:
  - name: pv
    mountPath: /var/lib/xxx
    subPath: app-data
  - name: pv
    mountPath: /etc/xxx
    subPath: app-config

A single PVC could regroup several volumes, using subPaths.

CodePudding user response:

a statefulset with 2 persistent volumes on each replica . . . I need to keep "groups" of disks together, so that app-disk-0 & data-disk-0 will always be on a pod together

This way no manual intervention:

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: StatefulSet
  - metadata:
      name: app-disk
  - metadata:
      name: data-disk
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