Question 1.
Let's assume the selected color is #a85c40.
Now, how can we generate the Material color with some nearby shade from that picked color. The nearby material shade will be like shade 800.
Question 2.
How to generate a colors sets of all colors with shade500 ?
CodePudding user response:
You can use this tool to generate the colors.
CodePudding user response:
You can generate the MaterialColor like this
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return GetMaterialApp(
title: 'Dummy App',
theme: ThemeData(
primarySwatch: generateMaterialColor(Colors.greenAccent[400]),
debugShowCheckedModeBanner: false,
MaterialColor generateMaterialColor(Color color) {
return MaterialColor(color.value, {
50: tintColor(color, 0.9),
100: tintColor(color, 0.8),
200: tintColor(color, 0.6),
300: tintColor(color, 0.4),
400: tintColor(color, 0.2),
500: color,
600: shadeColor(color, 0.1),
700: shadeColor(color, 0.2),
800: shadeColor(color, 0.3),
900: shadeColor(color, 0.4),
int tintValue(int value, double factor) => max(0, min((value ((255 - value) * factor)).round(), 255));
Color tintColor(Color color, double factor) => Color.fromRGBO(
tintValue(, factor),
tintValue(, factor),
tintValue(, factor),
int shadeValue(int value, double factor) => max(0, min(value - (value * factor).round(), 255));
Color shadeColor(Color color, double factor) => Color.fromRGBO(
shadeValue(, factor),
shadeValue(, factor),
shadeValue(, factor),
CodePudding user response:
This package might help you. ..