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How to restrict generic types (question is more difficult than it seems)


Okay, question is not so simple as it seems from the title.

Let's start from the beginning. Assume there are two collections containing DataRow objects:

public class DataRow<K, V> {
    K key;
    V value;

    public DataRow(K key, V value) {
        this.key = key;
        this.value = value;

    public K getKey() {
        return key;

    public V getValue() {
        return value;

Example in pseudocode as follows:

c1 = [DataRow(0, "Italy"), DataRow(1, "Germany"), DataRow(2, "France")]
c2 = [DataRow(0, "Rome"), DataRow(1, "Berlin"), DataRow(3, "Budapest")]

It is needed to have 3 different ways of joining these collections in the one collection of JoinedDataRow's (Inner join, Left join, Right join):

public class JoinedDataRow<K, V1, V2> {
    K key;
    V1 value1;
    V2 value2;

    public JoinedDataRow(K key, V1 value1, V2 value2) {
        this.key = key;
        this.value1 = value1;
        this.value2 = value2;

    public K getKey() {
        return key;

    public V1 getValue1() {
        return value1;

    public V2 getValue2() {
        return value2;

Operations are similar to the ones in SQL language. Example of result for inner join: [JoinedDataRow(0, "Italy", "Rome"), JoinedDataRow(1, "Germany", "Berlin")]

There is an interface for these implementations of operations called JoinOperation:

public interface JoinOperation<D1, D2, R> {
    Collection<R> join(Collection<D1> leftCollection, Collection<D2> rightCollection);

Where D1 and D2 are DataRow's and R is a JoinedDataRow (result)

And there are 3 implementations of the interface: InnerJoin, LeftJoin, RightJoin

There is no need to provide code for all three implementations. Here is just a skeleton for InnerJoin:

public class InnerJoinOperation<D1, D2, R> implements JoinOperation<D1, D2, R> {
    public Collection<R> join(Collection<D1> leftCollection, Collection<D2> rightCollection) {
        return null;

The problem: Right now it is possible and completely legal to pass to join method collection of Integers, for example.

join() method should look like this to avoid it:

    public Collection<JoinedDataRow<K, V1, V2>> join(Collection<DataRow<K, V1>> leftCollection, Collection<DataRow<K, V2>> rightCollection) {
        return null;

But it is forbidden to modify the interface JoinOperation, therefore the method above is not valid.

The question: How to restrict type of passed parameters in join method so that it would not be possible to pass anything except DataRow there.

I tried:

public class InnerJoinOperation<D1 extends DataRow, D2 extends DataRow, R extends JoinedDataRow> implements JoinOperation<D1, D2, R> {
    public Collection<R> join(Collection<D1> leftCollection, Collection<D2> rightCollection) {
        return null;

But here I am using raw DataRow and when I wanna do something like this:

Collection<DataRow<Integer, String>> lCollection = new ArrayList<>(List.of(
                new DataRow<>(0, "Italy"),
                new DataRow<>(1, "Germany"),
                new DataRow<>(2, "France")

        Collection<DataRow<Integer, String>> rCollection = new LinkedList<>(List.of(
                new DataRow<>(0, "Rome"),
                new DataRow<>(1, "Berlin"),
                new DataRow<>(3, "Budapest")

        var joiner = new InnerJoinOperation<>();

        var joined = joiner.join(lCollection, rCollection);

expression joiner.join(lCollection, rCollection) show compile time error: enter image description here

CodePudding user response:

It sounds like what you want is just

public class InnerJoinOperation<K, V1, V2>
    implements JoinOperation<DataRow<K, V1>, DataRow<K, V2>, JoinedDataRow<K, V1, V2>> {
  public Collection<JoinedDataRow<K, V1, V2>> join(Collection<DataRow<K, V1>> leftCollection, Collection<DataRow<K, V2>> rightCollection) {
    return null;
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