Home > Software engineering >  Vb mapobject points on the map picture, how to set up various points of different color
Vb mapobject points on the map picture, how to set up various points of different color


Want to draw the dots on the map, have painted, the method is as follows:
The Set p=New MapObjects2. Point
Map1. TrackingLayer. Symbol (0). The Size=6
Map1. TrackingLayer. Symbol (0). The color=moRed
Map1. TrackingLayer. Symbol (0). The Outline=True
P.x=113.069 'assign different longitude and latitude, can the corresponding position of the painted dots on the map
P.y=23.6345 '
Map1. TrackingLayer. AddEvent p, 0

According to the code above, I draw dot, affirmation is moRed color, the question is, if I want to change the color of the one dot for moGreen, all other points also follow into moGreen, how can I set some point color and the color of the other points not change?
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