Want to draw the dots on the map, have painted, the method is as follows:
The Set p=New MapObjects2. Point
Map1. TrackingLayer. Symbol (0). The Size=6
Map1. TrackingLayer. Symbol (0). The color=moRed
Map1. TrackingLayer. Symbol (0). The Outline=True
P.x=113.069 'assign different longitude and latitude, can the corresponding position of the painted dots on the map
P.y=23.6345 '
Map1. TrackingLayer. AddEvent p, 0
According to the code above, I draw dot, affirmation is moRed color, the question is, if I want to change the color of the one dot for moGreen, all other points also follow into moGreen, how can I set some point color and the color of the other points not change?