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VB Inet transmission problems


With inet control transfer files to the FTP, maintain the state of the same: icReceivingResponse
You know why, to help, thank you

CodePudding user response:

I use the execute method

CodePudding user response:

CommonDialog1. Flags=cdlOFNFileMustExist
CommonDialog1. FileName=Trim (Adodc1. You. Fields (" goods name ")) & amp; "
"CommonDialog1. Filter="image (JPEG) | *. JPG"
CommonDialog1. Flags=cdlOFNNoLongNames
CommonDialog1. Flags=cdlOFNOverwritePrompt
CommonDialog1. CancelError=True
CommonDialog1. CancelError=True
On Error GoTo, line1
CommonDialog1. ShowSave

The Call automatically check folder
Rc.inet1. URL=""
Rc.inet1. Protocol=icFTP
Rc.inet1. UserName="user name"
Rc.inet1. Password="Password"

Rc.inet1. Execute ""," resources/get/picture & amp; Adodc1. You. Fields (" serial number ") & amp; ". JPG c: \ temp folder \ 1. JPG "

Label12. Caption="is being downloaded, please wait... "
Frame5. Visible=True
The Do While rc.inet1. StillExecuting
Frame5. Visible=False

Rc.inet1. Execute, "QUIT"

Temporary folder str1="c: \ \ 1. JPG"
Str2=CommonDialog1. FileName
If Dir (str2) & lt;> "" Then
Kill str2
End the If
FileCopy str1, str2
Kill str1
MsgBox "download!" , vbInformation + vbOKOnly, "tip"

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