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VC compiler Release version error error MSB6006


Compile the Release version error is as follows:

1> -- -- -- -- -- - has started to generate: project: com_osvr_test_myplugin, configuration: Release x64 -- -- -- -- -- --
1> Building Custom Rule C:/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0/osvr/myplugin/CMakeLists. TXT
1> CMake does not need to re - run because C: \ Program Files \ Microsoft Visual Studio (x86) 12.0 \ osvr \ myplugin - build \ CMakeFiles \ generate stamp is the up - to - date.
1> [osvr_convert_json] Generating string literal header from com_osvr_test_myplugin. Json
1> System cannot find the specified path,
1> C: \ Program Files \ MSBuild \ Microsoft (x86) Cpp \ v4.0 \ V120 \ Microsoft CppCommon. The targets (170, 5) : error MSB6006: "CMD. Exe" have quit, code is 3,

Have tried the following method is invalid:
A. will build files in E disk, reduce path
B. properties - & gt; The linker - & gt; Listing file will be generated listing option to no
C. clean compile project, recompile

Compile environment VC 2013/Cmake 3.7
Is compiled using CMake SLNS files detected, therefore in the CMake has also tried to CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE set to Release; CMAKE_CONFIGURATION_TYPES only set to Release; CMakeList set command:

The Debug version of compiling everything is normal, so I want to ask next: are there any other method can be used?
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