Home > Software engineering >  Official espressif image container with entrypoint not starting correctly in jenkins as a continuous
Official espressif image container with entrypoint not starting correctly in jenkins as a continuous


I'm working with a project that uses espressif and to build it on my machine with docker way I do the following:

docker run --rm -v $PWD:/project -w /project espressif/idf:v4.2.2 idf.py build

I would like to elaborate a declarative pipeline, and I would like to execute the command equivalent to the one above. The way I implemented it based on other examples that worked, and the log result below.

I don't understand why the way to pass these 'idf.py build' arguments in the 'steps' block is not working. Does anyone have any ideas?

Reading the log and doing some google searches, I believe it's the jenkins plugin that can't handle the command because the image uses the entrypoint feature.

My pipeline:

pipeline {
    agent any

    environment {
        PROJ_NAME = 'test'
    stages {
        stage('Checkout') {
            steps {
                git url: 'ssh://[email protected]/john/iot-project.git'
        stage('Build') {
            agent {
                docker {
                    image 'espressif/idf:v4.2.2'
                    args '--rm -v $PWD:/project -w /project'
                    reuseNode true
                sh 'idf.py build'

Error snippet:

[Pipeline] withDockerContainer
Jenkins does not seem to be running inside a container
$ docker run -t -d -u 1000:1000 --rm -v $PWD:/project -w /project -w /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/iot-project-TEST -v /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/iot-project-TEST:/var/lib/jenkins/workspace/iot-project-TEST:rw,z -v /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/iot-project-TEST@tmp:/var/lib/jenkins/workspace/iot-project-TEST@tmp:rw,z -e ******** -e ******** -e ******** -e ******** -e ******** -e ******** -e ******** -e ******** -e ******** -e ******** -e ******** -e ******** -e ******** -e ******** -e ******** -e ******** -e ******** -e ******** -e ******** -e ******** -e ******** -e ******** -e ******** -e ******** -e ******** -e ******** -e ******** -e ******** espressif/idf:v4.2.2 cat
$ docker top 81920a1146eabe9bf5c08339a682d81ac23777de0421895e1184d2a8ef27fc8c -eo pid,comm
ERROR: The container started but didn't run the expected command. Please double check your ENTRYPOINT does execute the command passed as docker run argument, as required by official docker images (see https://github.com/docker-library/official-images#consistency for entrypoint consistency requirements).
Alternatively you can force image entrypoint to be disabled by adding option `--entrypoint=''`.
[Pipeline] {
[Pipeline] sh
  idf.py build
/var/lib/jenkins/workspace/iot-project-TEST@tmp/durable-b8bf6ce0/script.sh: 1: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/iot-project-TEST@tmp/durable-b8bf6ce0/script.sh: idf.py: not found
[Pipeline] }
$ docker stop --time=1 81920a1146eabe9bf5c08339a682d81ac23777de0421895e1184d2a8ef27fc8c
$ docker rm -f 81920a1146eabe9bf5c08339a682d81ac23777de0421895e1184d2a8ef27fc8c
[Pipeline] // withDockerContainer
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // stage
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // withEnv
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // node
[Pipeline] End of Pipeline
ERROR: script returned exit code 127
Finished: FAILURE

UPDATE1: The project build with the official espressif image works when I run the command directly, for example:

pipeline {
    agent any

    environment {
        PROJ_NAME = 'test'
    stages {
        stage('Checkout') {
            steps {
                git url: 'ssh://[email protected]/john/iot-project.git'
        stage('Build') {
                sh 'docker run --rm -v $WORKSPACE/ESPComm:/project -w /project espressif/idf:v4.2.2 idf.py build'

UPDATE2: Without the --entrypoint='' argument an error is always thrown, so I keep that argument. I will present the log of ls and pwd commands after running docker. Note: cat and top are jenkins' own tricks so that the commands inside the step block are executed

pipeline {
    agent any

    environment {
        PROJ_NAME = 'test'
    stages {
        stage('Checkout') {
            steps {
                git url: 'ssh://[email protected]/john/iot-project.git'
        stage('Build') {
            agent {
                docker {
                    image 'espressif/idf:v4.2.2'
                    args '''--rm -v $PWD:/project -w /project --entrypoint='' '''
                    reuseNode true
                /*sh '''
                    source /opt/esp/idf/export.sh
                    idf.py build
                sh 'ls'
                sh 'pwd'
[Pipeline] withDockerContainer
Jenkins does not seem to be running inside a container
$ docker run -t -d -u 1000:1000 --rm -v $PWD:/project -w /project --entrypoint= -w /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/iot-project-TEST -v /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/iot-project-TEST:/var/lib/jenkins/workspace/iot-project-TEST:rw,z -v /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/iot-project-TEST@tmp:/var/lib/jenkins/workspace/iot-project-TEST@tmp:rw,z -e ******** -e ******** -e ******** -e ******** -e ******** -e ******** -e ******** -e ******** -e ******** -e ******** -e ******** -e ******** -e ******** -e ******** -e ******** -e ******** -e ******** -e ******** -e ******** -e ******** -e ******** -e ******** -e ******** -e ******** -e ******** -e ******** -e ******** -e ******** espressif/idf:v4.2.2 cat
$ docker top 69d5a4450c2463a6d8153582248796a15fa94ed04ef3d45c76c9a2358b8740cd -eo pid,comm
[Pipeline] {
[Pipeline] sh
[Pipeline] sh
[Pipeline] }
$ docker stop --time=1 69d5a4450c2463a6d8153582248796a15fa94ed04ef3d45c76c9a2358b8740cd
$ docker rm -f 69d5a4450c2463a6d8153582248796a15fa94ed04ef3d45c76c9a2358b8740cd
[Pipeline] // withDockerContainer
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // stage
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // withEnv
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // node
[Pipeline] End of Pipeline
Finished: SUCCESS

UPDATE3: Now running without entrypoint command. Check in log the error:

ERROR: The container started but didn't run the expected command. Please double check your ENTRYPOINT does execute the command passed as docker run argument, as required by official docker images (see https://github.com/docker-library/official-images#consistency for entrypoint consistency requirements).
Alternatively you can force image entrypoint to be disabled by adding option `--entrypoint=''`.
pipeline {
    agent any

    environment {
        PROJ_NAME = 'test'
    stages {
        stage('Checkout') {
            steps {
                git url: 'ssh://[email protected]/john/iot-project.git'
        stage('Build') {
            agent {
                docker {
                    image 'espressif/idf:v4.2.2'
                    args '''--rm -v $PWD:/project -w /project '''
                    reuseNode true
                sh '''
                    #source /opt/esp/idf/export.sh
                    . $IDF_PATH/export.sh
                    idf.py build
[Pipeline] withDockerContainer
Jenkins does not seem to be running inside a container
$ docker run -t -d -u 1000:1000 --rm -v $PWD:/project -w /project -w /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/iot-project-TEST -v /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/iot-project-TEST:/var/lib/jenkins/workspace/iot-project-TEST:rw,z -v /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/iot-project-TEST@tmp:/var/lib/jenkins/workspace/iot-project-TEST@tmp:rw,z -e ******** -e ******** -e ******** -e ******** -e ******** -e ******** -e ******** -e ******** -e ******** -e ******** -e ******** -e ******** -e ******** -e ******** -e ******** -e ******** -e ******** -e ******** -e ******** -e ******** -e ******** -e ******** -e ******** -e ******** -e ******** -e ******** -e ******** -e ******** espressif/idf:v4.2.2 cat
$ docker top 217167975bdf63d861215e12f5e3b2ef35d21681fe77bb7608a6c1cc0d03c237 -eo pid,comm
ERROR: The container started but didn't run the expected command. Please double check your ENTRYPOINT does execute the command passed as docker run argument, as required by official docker images (see https://github.com/docker-library/official-images#consistency for entrypoint consistency requirements).
Alternatively you can force image entrypoint to be disabled by adding option `--entrypoint=''`.
[Pipeline] {
[Pipeline] sh
  . /opt/esp/idf/export.sh
  [ -n  ]
  [ -z /opt/esp/idf ]
  [ ! -d /opt/esp/idf ]
  [ ! -f /opt/esp/idf/tools/idf.py ]
  [ ! -f /opt/esp/idf/tools/idf_tools.py ]
  export IDF_PATH=/opt/esp/idf
  echo Detecting the Python interpreter
Detecting the Python interpreter
  . /opt/esp/idf/tools/detect_python.sh
  echo Checking "python" ...
Checking "python" ...
  python -c import sys; print(sys.version_info.major)
  [ 3 = 3 ]
  python --version
Python 3.6.9
  echo "python" has been detected
"python" has been detected
  echo Adding ESP-IDF tools to PATH...
Adding ESP-IDF tools to PATH...
  export IDF_TOOLS_EXPORT_CMD=/opt/esp/idf/export.sh
  export IDF_TOOLS_INSTALL_CMD=/opt/esp/idf/install.sh
  python /opt/esp/idf/tools/idf_tools.py export
  idf_exports=export OPENOCD_SCRIPTS="/opt/esp/tools/openocd-esp32/v0.10.0-esp32-20200709/openocd-esp32/share/openocd/scripts";export IDF_PYTHON_ENV_PATH="/opt/esp/python_env/idf4.2_py3.6_env";export PATH="/opt/esp/tools/xtensa-esp32-elf/esp-2020r3-8.4.0/xtensa-esp32-elf/bin:/opt/esp/tools/xtensa-esp32s2-elf/esp-2020r3-8.4.0/xtensa-esp32s2-elf/bin:/opt/esp/tools/esp32ulp-elf/2.28.51-esp-20191205/esp32ulp-elf-binutils/bin:/opt/esp/tools/esp32s2ulp-elf/2.28.51-esp-20191205/esp32s2ulp-elf-binutils/bin:/opt/esp/tools/cmake/3.16.4/bin:/opt/esp/tools/openocd-esp32/v0.10.0-esp32-20200709/openocd-esp32/bin:/opt/esp/python_env/idf4.2_py3.6_env/bin:/opt/esp/idf/tools:$PATH"
  eval export OPENOCD_SCRIPTS="/opt/esp/tools/openocd-esp32/v0.10.0-esp32-20200709/openocd-esp32/share/openocd/scripts";export IDF_PYTHON_ENV_PATH="/opt/esp/python_env/idf4.2_py3.6_env";export PATH="/opt/esp/tools/xtensa-esp32-elf/esp-2020r3-8.4.0/xtensa-esp32-elf/bin:/opt/esp/tools/xtensa-esp32s2-elf/esp-2020r3-8.4.0/xtensa-esp32s2-elf/bin:/opt/esp/tools/esp32ulp-elf/2.28.51-esp-20191205/esp32ulp-elf-binutils/bin:/opt/esp/tools/esp32s2ulp-elf/2.28.51-esp-20191205/esp32s2ulp-elf-binutils/bin:/opt/esp/tools/cmake/3.16.4/bin:/opt/esp/tools/openocd-esp32/v0.10.0-esp32-20200709/openocd-esp32/bin:/opt/esp/python_env/idf4.2_py3.6_env/bin:/opt/esp/idf/tools:$PATH"
  export OPENOCD_SCRIPTS=/opt/esp/tools/openocd-esp32/v0.10.0-esp32-20200709/openocd-esp32/share/openocd/scripts
  export IDF_PYTHON_ENV_PATH=/opt/esp/python_env/idf4.2_py3.6_env
  export PATH=/opt/esp/tools/xtensa-esp32-elf/esp-2020r3-8.4.0/xtensa-esp32-elf/bin:/opt/esp/tools/xtensa-esp32s2-elf/esp-2020r3-8.4.0/xtensa-esp32s2-elf/bin:/opt/esp/tools/esp32ulp-elf/2.28.51-esp-20191205/esp32ulp-elf-binutils/bin:/opt/esp/tools/esp32s2ulp-elf/2.28.51-esp-20191205/esp32s2ulp-elf-binutils/bin:/opt/esp/tools/cmake/3.16.4/bin:/opt/esp/tools/openocd-esp32/v0.10.0-esp32-20200709/openocd-esp32/bin:/opt/esp/python_env/idf4.2_py3.6_env/bin:/opt/esp/idf/tools:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin
  which python
  echo Using Python interpreter in /opt/esp/python_env/idf4.2_py3.6_env/bin/python
Using Python interpreter in /opt/esp/python_env/idf4.2_py3.6_env/bin/python
  echo Checking if Python packages are up to date...
Checking if Python packages are up to date...
  python /opt/esp/idf/tools/check_python_dependencies.py
Python requirements from /opt/esp/idf/requirements.txt are satisfied.
  export PATH=/opt/esp/idf/components/esptool_py/esptool:/opt/esp/idf/components/espcoredump:/opt/esp/idf/components/partition_table:/opt/esp/idf/components/app_update:/opt/esp/tools/xtensa-esp32-elf/esp-2020r3-8.4.0/xtensa-esp32-elf/bin:/opt/esp/tools/xtensa-esp32s2-elf/esp-2020r3-8.4.0/xtensa-esp32s2-elf/bin:/opt/esp/tools/esp32ulp-elf/2.28.51-esp-20191205/esp32ulp-elf-binutils/bin:/opt/esp/tools/esp32s2ulp-elf/2.28.51-esp-20191205/esp32s2ulp-elf-binutils/bin:/opt/esp/tools/cmake/3.16.4/bin:/opt/esp/tools/openocd-esp32/v0.10.0-esp32-20200709/openocd-esp32/bin:/opt/esp/python_env/idf4.2_py3.6_env/bin:/opt/esp/idf/tools:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin
  [ -n  ]
  echo Updated PATH variable:
Updated PATH variable:
  echo   /opt/esp/idf/components/esptool_py/esptool:/opt/esp/idf/components/espcoredump:/opt/esp/idf/components/partition_table:/opt/esp/idf/components/app_update:/opt/esp/tools/xtensa-esp32-elf/esp-2020r3-8.4.0/xtensa-esp32-elf/bin:/opt/esp/tools/xtensa-esp32s2-elf/esp-2020r3-8.4.0/xtensa-esp32s2-elf/bin:/opt/esp/tools/esp32ulp-elf/2.28.51-esp-20191205/esp32ulp-elf-binutils/bin:/opt/esp/tools/esp32s2ulp-elf/2.28.51-esp-20191205/esp32s2ulp-elf-binutils/bin:/opt/esp/tools/cmake/3.16.4/bin:/opt/esp/tools/openocd-esp32/v0.10.0-esp32-20200709/openocd-esp32/bin:/opt/esp/python_env/idf4.2_py3.6_env/bin:/opt/esp/idf/tools:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin
  unset old_path
  unset paths
  unset path_prefix
  unset path_entry
  unset idf_exports
  unset ESP_PYTHON
  echo Done! You can now compile ESP-IDF projects.
Done! You can now compile ESP-IDF projects.
  echo Go to the project directory and run:
Go to the project directory and run:

  echo   idf.py build
  idf.py build

  unset realpath_int
  unset idf_export_main
  idf.py build
Executing action: all (aliases: build)
CMakeLists.txt not found in project directory /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/iot-project-TEST
Your environment is not configured to handle unicode filenames outside of ASCII range. Environment variable LC_ALL is temporary set to C.UTF-8 for unicode support.
[Pipeline] }
$ docker stop --time=1 217167975bdf63d861215e12f5e3b2ef35d21681fe77bb7608a6c1cc0d03c237
$ docker rm -f 217167975bdf63d861215e12f5e3b2ef35d21681fe77bb7608a6c1cc0d03c237
[Pipeline] // withDockerContainer
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // stage
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // withEnv
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // node
[Pipeline] End of Pipeline
ERROR: script returned exit code 2
Finished: FAILURE

Example with an image I created, it uses ubuntu as a base, but has no entrypoint. I've already managed to successfully eclipse headless-build as follows. :

stage('Build') {
    agent {
        docker {
            image 'tool/stm32-cubeide-image:1.0'
            reuseNode true
    steps {
        sh '/opt/stm32cubeide/headless-build.sh -importAll $WORKSPACE -data $WORKSPACE -cleanBuild  $DIR/$OPT_BUILD'

CodePudding user response:

You can do something like the below. Before executing the build command try sourcing the /opt/esp/idf/export.sh which will set the environment so you can execute the build command.

source /opt/esp/idf/export.sh
idf.py build

Here is your full pipeline with the necessary changes.

pipeline {
    agent any

    environment {
        PROJ_NAME = 'test'
    stages {
        stage('Checkout') {
            steps {
                git url: 'ssh://[email protected]/john/iot-project.git'
        stage('Build') {
            agent {
                docker {
                    image 'espressif/idf:v4.2.2'
                    args '--rm -v $PWD:/project -w /project'
                    reuseNode true
                sh '''
                    #source /opt/esp/idf/export.sh
                    . $IDF_PATH/export.sh
                    idf.py build


Following is the content in the entrypoint.

#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -e

. $IDF_PATH/export.sh

exec "$@"

So executing the build following ways seems to work for me.

. $IDF_PATH/export.sh
idf.py build


sh /opt/esp/entrypoint.sh idf.py build
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