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R question - how to net transactions between entities


I feel like this is an easy problem that I can't solve for some reason. Suppose I have a dataframe that lists trades between entities and I want to find the net amount for each pair. The dataframe might look like this:

sending_entity receiving_entity amount_traded
Tim Bob 100
Bob Tim 50
Sarah Jane 25
Jane Sarah 50

And the result I want is to know that Tim and Bob settled where Tim gave Bob a net amount of 50, and Jane gave Sarah a net amount of 25.

I thought about creating 2 sparse matrices, one for sending and one for receiving, and then subtracting the matrices. But this seems janky and would prefer a tidyverse way of doing this (or at least within the dataframe data structure), if possible.

CodePudding user response:

I would create a pair column that is built so that unique pairings have the same value, then used xtabs:

 dfrm$pair <- with( dfrm, paste( ifelse(sending_entity>receiving_entity,
                                          paste(sending_entity, receiving_entity) ))
  sending_entity receiving_entity amount_traded       pair
1            Tim              Bob           100    Bob Tim
2            Bob              Tim            50    Bob Tim
3          Sarah             Jane            25 Jane Sarah
4           Jane            Sarah            50 Jane Sarah

xtabs(amount_traded~pair, dfrm)
   Bob Tim Jane Sarah 
       150         75 

CodePudding user response:

An alternative tidyverse approach

df |> 
  pivot_longer(cols = sending_entity:receiving_entity, names_to = "entity", values_to = "name") |> 
  count(name, wt = ifelse(entity == "receiving_entity", amount_traded, -amount_traded), name = "received") |> 
  arrange(order(df$receiving_entity)) |> 
  mutate(from = df$sending_entity)
  name  received from 
  <chr>    <int> <chr>
1 Bob         50 Tim  
2 Tim        -50 Bob  
3 Jane       -25 Sarah
4 Sarah       25 Jane 

Using wt in count allows us to calculate the sum/net.

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