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TEECHART FOR vb compiler error


Consult great god why VB6.0 by use of TEECHART compiler error as follows: available in TEECAHRT5.0 operation, but cannot run under TEECHART8.0,
Option Base 1
Option Explicit
Dim TheClickedPyramid As Integer

Private Sub Command4_Click ()
Dim Contents As a String, Msg As String, a
Dim filenum As an Integer, X, temp, filename
Dim q () As a Double
On Error GoTo SaveFileError
Me.Com monDialog1. ShowOpen
Filename=CommonDialog1. Filename
If the Trim (filename)="" Then Exit Sub
The Open filename For Input As filenum
Input # filenum, temp
MSFlexGrid1. Rows=temp + 1
ReDim q (temp)
For X=1 To MSFlexGrid1. Rows - 1
Input # filenum, temp, a
Q (temp)=a
MSFlexGrid1. TextMatrix (X, 0)=temp
MSFlexGrid1. TextMatrix (X, 1)=a
Next X
The Close filenum
Drew q
'On Error GoTo 0

'MSFlexGrid1. HighLight=1' True
The Exit Sub
Msg $="in the selected data file data storage format is not correct, please check!" & CRH (13) & amp; "In the correct format:" & amp; CRH (13) & amp; _
"First slot number, the following every two Numbers in each row, the first is standard or serial number, the second for flow value,"
MsgBox Msg, 48
The Close
Screen. MousePointer=0
The Exit Sub
End Sub
Sub form_load ()
MSFlexGrid1. TextMatrix (0, 0)="timing"
MSFlexGrid1. TextMatrix (0, 1)="flow"
End Sub

Sub drew (q () As Double)

Dim row As an Integer, axisID As an Integer, aa
Dim As Integer I
With TChart1
Series (0). The Clear
For I=1 To UBound (q)
Series (0). The Add q (I), I, clTeeColor
Next I
End With
'change pyramids cursor...
TChart1. Series (0). The Cursor=2020

'do not allow the zoom and scroll
TChart1. Zoom. Enable=False
TChart1. Scroll. Enable=pmNone

'set temporary variables...
'Me. MSChart1. TitleText=Me. Caption' "process lines
"End Sub
Private Sub TChart1_OnAfterDraw ()
'the Custom draw a white circle around the clicked pyramid...
Dim X, Y As Integer
If TheClickedPyramid & lt;> 1 Then
With TChart1. Canvas
. The Pen. The Color=vbWhite
, Pen Width=1
. The Pen. The Style=psDot
. Brush. Style=bsClear
End With
With TChart1. Series (0)
X=. CalcXPosValue (TheClickedPyramid)
Y=. CalcYPosValue (TheClickedPyramid)
TChart1. Canvas. The Ellipse X, Y, X + 40, Y + 40
End With
End the If
End Sub

Private Sub TChart1_OnMouseDown (ByVal Button As TeeChart. EMouseButton, ByVal Shift As TeeChart. EShiftState, ByVal X As Long, ByVal Y As Long)
'calculate if the mouse has clicked a Pyramid...
TheClickedPyramid=TChart1. Series (0). The Clicked (X, Y)
End Sub

Private Sub TChart1_OnMouseMove (ByVal Shift As TeeChart EShiftState, ByVal X As Long, ByVal Y As Long)
'drag the pyramid!!!!!!
If TheClickedPyramid & lt;> 1 Then
With TChart1. Series (0)
. PointValue (TheClickedPyramid). YScreenToValue (Y)
End With
End the If
End Sub

Private Sub TChart1_OnMouseUp (ByVal Button As TeeChart. EMouseButton, ByVal Shift As TeeChart. EShiftState, ByVal X As Long, ByVal Y As Long)
'the when releasing the mouse, stop dragging...
TChart1. Repaint
End Sub
Error prompt red part
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