Home > Software engineering >  Emergency!!!! Vb6.0 by use of FoxPro database to generate the program on other people's compute
Emergency!!!! Vb6.0 by use of FoxPro database to generate the program on other people's compute


Using vb6 development program based on FoxPro database, run on your computer is no problem, in other people's computer open error...
The Run - time error '2147467259 (80004005) :
[Microsoft] [ODBC driver manager] driver does not support this feature
The connection to the database source:
Option Explicit

Dim cn As New ADODB. Connection
Dim the rs As New ADODB. You

Const db_file As String="C: \ Users \ \ Administrator \ Desktop \ test database Indicators. The DBC"

Private Sub Form_Load ()
Cn. Open "the Provider=MSDASQL. 1; Driver=Microsoft Visual Foxpro Driver; SourceDB="& amp; Db_file & amp; "; SourceType=DBC; "
Rs. Open the "select * from table 1", cn, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic

Dim As Integer I
I=rs. RecordCount

MsgBox I & amp; "" & amp; Rs. Fields (0). The Value & amp; "" & amp; Rs. Fields (1). The Value & amp; "" & amp; Rs. Fields (2). The Value

Rs. Close
Cn. Close
End Sub

Still need what files can only be run on other computer the FoxPro database? Experts advise please, thank! (try to ACCESS database (MDB), on the other computer operation no problem... )

CodePudding user response:

The database engine also in packaging

CodePudding user response:

reference 1st floor WallesCai response:
packaging of the time the database engine also in
thank you for your kind reply, just try to pack, looked at it and only need msado28. TLB, is my references in VB6, each other's DianNaoXi TongPan there is this file, still can't run...

CodePudding user response:

Need to install the support FoxPro database ODBC driver,

CodePudding user response:

No one will, forget it, or to switch to ACCESS...
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