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How to choose column with the largest number by row


I have a data frame. Each row is a separate person. I need to create a data frame that only shows the latest "date" and "salary" per row. Below is an example of the data frame I'm starting with:

example_df <- tribble(
  ~person_id, ~date1, ~date2, ~date3, ~salaary1, ~salary2, ~salary3,
  1, 2010, 2013, 2015, 100, 200, 300,
  2, 1998, NA, NA, 50, NA, NA, 
  3, 2000, 2001, NA, 100, 200, NA, 
  4, 1987, 1989, 2005, 50, 300, 500

This is what I need the data frame to look like after processing:

example_clean_df <- tribble(
  ~person_id, ~date, ~salaary,
  1, 2015,300,
  2, 1998, 50,
  3,  2001, 200,
  4, 2005, 500

Any ideas would be super helpful. Thank you!

CodePudding user response:

Does this work:


example_df %>% 
        rowwise() %>% 
                mutate(date = max(date1, date2, date3, na.rm = 1),
                                  salary = max(salaary1, salary2, salary3, na.rm = 1)) %>% 
                                              select(person_id, date, salary)
# A tibble: 4 × 3
# Rowwise: 
  person_id  date salary
      <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl>
1         1  2015    300
2         2  1998     50
3         3  2001    200
4         4  2005    500

CodePudding user response:

Use pivot_longer and slice_max:

example_df %>% 
  pivot_longer(-person_id, names_pattern = "(date|salary)(\\d)", names_to = c(".value", "number")) %>% 
  group_by(person_id) %>% 
  slice_max(salary) %>% 


# A tibble: 4 × 3
# Groups:   person_id [4]
  person_id  date salary
      <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl>
1         1  2015    300
2         2  1998     50
3         3  2001    200
4         4  2005    500

CodePudding user response:

The primitive base r / for loop version:

result.df <- list()

for(i in seq(nrow(example_df))){
  result.df[[i]] <- cbind(example_df[1][i,], 
                         max(example_df[,2:4][i,], na.rm = T), 
                         max(example_df[,5:7][i,], na.rm = T))

result.df <- setNames(do.call(rbind, result.df), c('person_id', 'date', 'salary'))

  person_id date salary
1         1 2015    300
2         2 1998     50
3         3 2001    200
4         4 2005    500


microbenchmark suggests using @Karthik S method, as it is the fastest.

# test1: loop base R
# test2: rowwise mutate
# test3: pivot_longer

     min       lq      mean   median       uq     max neval
  9.9957 10.41815 11.858530 10.86845 11.97645 21.8334   100
  7.6594  7.96195  9.457389  8.29315  9.49365 25.9524   100
 12.0949 12.49685 14.080567 12.83050 13.85300 26.6272   100


using lapply speeds up the process:

result.df <- lapply(seq(nrow(example_df)), \(x) cbind(example_df[1][x,], 
                                                          max(example_df[,2:4][x,], na.rm = T), 
                                                          max(example_df[,5:7][x,], na.rm = T))) %>% 
      do.call(rbind, .) %>% 
      setNames(c('person_id', 'date', 'salary'))

     min       lq      mean   median       uq     max neval
  3.6828  3.89075  5.754244  4.41195  7.14130 14.0325   100
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