Suppose I have a query:
SELECT max(ended_at) - min(started_at)
FROM test_run
How would I return the result as a ISO8601 duration?
i.e. If time different is 5 seconds, I would I expect the response to be PT5S
CodePudding user response:
Set the IntervalStyle to the desired format:
SET IntervalStyle to iso_8601; -- can be done in the config file as well
SELECT INTERVAL '5 seconds';
Result: PT5S
CodePudding user response:
What you are looking is basically just a format conversion with specific output format. You can achieve this, in a single trip to the server by creating function which sets the InstervalStyle
the echos back the input value. (see demo)
create or replace function iso_interval_format(interval_in interval)
returns interval
language plpgsql
as $$
set IntervalStyle to iso_8601;
return interval_in;
Caution: If working strictly with dates be sure to cast them to timestamp
- at least one of them.
CodePudding user response:
For my particular use case, I was able to do it as:
SELECT 'PT' || ceil(extract(epoch from max(ended_at) - min(started_at))) || 'S'
FROM test_run