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For help! Communication between threads!!!!!!


A title is a requirement for this:
Main process can create multiple from the process, the master copy from the process, the mouse keyboard synchronous mapping, and can see the final statistical

I'll ask the teacher, he explained as:
Opened the seven threads, each thread running a calculator,
The main thread on the mouse or keyboard input 123 + 654, get the results of 777

All threads from mapping the same action, also get the same result,

Final estimate how many under the mouse click, double-click, how many under the keyboard, etc.

Did Daniel to teach me how to write ah, there is no clue
It is better for code ~ ~ ~ ~ (& gt; _ & lt;) ~ ~ ~ ~

CodePudding user response:

Communication between threads, can use the Shared memory, message and other means to carry out,

CodePudding user response:

You don't even write code, just to ask for help, meaningless, even if the code to you, you still wouldn't

CodePudding user response:

Ask your teacher, aren't you full support, such a topic,
You use global variables, from the main thread will accept input data, calculations, result in other global variables, another thread to read data from the result variable

CodePudding user response:

//loop to a function every time send 200 bytes (this is the fixed) buffer, 
//a function need to incoming buffer, the circulation of 240 bytes (fixed) new buffer for processing,
//when dealing with each new printing takes two bytes of the buffer
# ifdef _MSC_VER
# pragma warning (4996) disable:
# endif
# ifdef _MSC_VER
# define MYVOID void
# define vsnprintf _vsnprintf
# the else
# define CRITICAL_SECTION pthread_mutex_t
# define MYVOID void *
# endif
//the Log {
# define MAXLOGSIZE 20000000
# define MAXLINSIZE 16000
Char logfilename1 []="MyLog1. Log";
Char logfilename2 []="MyLog2. Log";
The static char logstr [MAXLINSIZE + 1];
Char datestr [16].
Char timestr [16].
Char MSS [4].
The FILE * flog;
# ifdef _MSC_VER
The Lock (CRITICAL_SECTION void * l) {
The EnterCriticalSection (l);
Void Unlock (CRITICAL_SECTION * l) {
LeaveCriticalSection (l);
Void sleep_ms (int) ms {
Sleep (ms).
# the else
The Lock (CRITICAL_SECTION void * l) {
Pthread_mutex_lock (l);
Void Unlock (CRITICAL_SECTION * l) {
Pthread_mutex_unlock (l);
Void sleep_ms (int) ms {
Usleep (ms * 1000);
# endif
Void LogV (const char * pszFmt, va_list argp) {
* struct tm now;
Struct timeb TB;

If (NULL==pszFmt | | 0==pszFmt [0]) return;
Vsnprintf (logstr, MAXLINSIZE pszFmt, argp);
Ftime (& amp; TB);
Now=localtime (& amp; TB. Time);
Sprintf (datestr, "% d % % 4 d - 02-02 d", now - & gt; Tm_year + 1900, now - & gt; Tm_mon + 1, now - & gt; Tm_mday);
Sprintf (timestr, "02 02 02 % d: % d: % d", now - & gt; Tm_hour, now - & gt; Tm_min, now - & gt; Tm_sec);
Sprintf (MSS, "% 3 d", TB. Millitm);
Printf (" % s % s. % s % s ", datestr, timestr, MSS, logstr);
Flog=fopen (logfilename1, "a");
If (NULL! Flog)={
Fprintf (flog, "% s % s. % s % s", datestr, timestr, MSS, logstr);
If (ftell (flog) & gt; MAXLOGSIZE) {
The fclose (flog);
If (rename (logfilename1 logfilename2)) {
Remove (logfilename2);
Rename (logfilename1 logfilename2);
} else {
The fclose (flog);
Void the Log (const char * pszFmt,... ) {
Va_list argp;

The Lock (& amp; Cs_log);
Va_start (argp, pszFmt);
LogV (pszFmt argp);
Va_end (argp);
Unlock (& amp; Cs_log);
//the Log}
# define ASIZE 200
# define BSIZE 240
# define CSIZE 2
Char Abuf [ASIZE];
Char Cbuf [CSIZE];
Int the head;
Int tail;
Int size;
Char data [BSIZE];
} BBB;
Int No_Loop=0;
Void HexDump) (int cn, char * buf, int len) {
int i,j,k;
Char binstr [80].

The Lock (& amp; Cs_HEX);
for (i=0; iIf (0==16) (I %) {
Sprintf (binstr, "% 3 d % 4 x -", cn, I);
Sprintf (binstr, "% s % 02 x", binstr, buf (unsigned char) [I]);
} else if (15==16) (I %) {
Sprintf (binstr, "% s % 02 x", binstr, buf (unsigned char) [I]);
Sprintf (binstr, "% s", binstr);
For (j=I - 15; J<=I; J++) {
Sprintf (binstr, "% s % c," binstr, ('! '& lt; Buf [j] & amp; & Buf [j] <='~')? Buf [j] : '. ');
The Log (" % s \ n ", binstr);
} else {
Sprintf (binstr, "% s % 02 x", binstr, buf (unsigned char) [I]);
If (0! 16)=(I %) {
16 k=16 - (I %);
For (j=0; JSprintf (binstr, "% s", binstr);
Sprintf (binstr, "% s", binstr);
K=16 - k;
For (j=I - k; JSprintf (binstr, "% s % c," binstr, ('! '& lt; Buf [j] & amp; & Buf [j] <='~')? Buf [j] : '. ');
The Log (" % s \ n ", binstr);
Unlock (& amp; Cs_HEX);
Int GetFromRBuf (int cn, CRITICAL_SECTION * cs, struct FIFO_BUFFER * fbuf, char * buf, int len) {
Int lent, len1 len2;

The Lock (cs);
If (fbuf - & gt; Size> Len)={
If (fbuf - & gt; The head + lent> BSIZE) {
Len1=BSIZE fbuf - & gt; The head;
Memcpy (buf, fbuf - & gt; The data + fbuf - & gt; The head, len1);
Len2=lent - len1;
Memcpy (buf + len1 fbuf - & gt; The data, len2);
Fbuf - & gt; The head=len2; nullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnull
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