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Selecting different variables for each participant to calculate a unique score


I have a dataframe where I would like to check if people identified their right theme from a memory test. Each participant saw a different stimuli(s), so doing so is slightly more complicated than I expected. The first participant, for instant, saw the suicide, the memory, and the time themes, so if they have a 1 in those variable columns thats good. If they have a 1 in a column that they didn't see, thats bad. For instant, participant 1 below correctly identified all of their images, because they were shown suicide, memory, and time, and have a 1 in that column, and a 0 in the other columns. However the next participant said they saw the memory column but didnt. I would like to create four additional columns that show 1 if they got the theme correctly (saw the theme and marked 1 or didnt see the theme and marked 0), and 0 if they got it incorrect (saw the theme and marked it 0 or didn't see the theme and marked it 1).

I'm a little at a loss on how to do this and appreciate the help!!!

list <- c("suicide memory time","suicide vomit time","vomit alcohol time","  ",
"  ","alcohol suicide children")
id <- c(1:6)
suicide<- c(1,1,0,0,0,1)
memory <- c(1,0,0,0,0,0)
alcohol<- c(0,1,1,1,1,1)
time<-    c(1,0,1,1,1,0)
foil1<-   c(0,0,0,0,0,0)
foil2 <-  c(0,0,1,0,0,0)
df<- data.frame(list,id,suicide,memory,alcohol, time, foil1, foil2)

How do I create 4 new columns: suicide_score memory_score... etc that show 0/1 for each participant based on what they actually saw?

CodePudding user response:

nms <- names(df)[3:8]
out <- t(sapply(strsplit(df$list, " "), match, x = nms, nomatch = 0L))
colnames(out) <- paste0(nms, "_score")
cbind(df, data.frame( (out > 0)))
#                       list id suicide memory alcohol time foil1 foil2 suicide_score memory_score alcohol_score time_score foil1_score foil2_score
# 1      suicide memory time  1       1      1       0    1     0     0             1            1             0          1           0           0
# 2       suicide vomit time  2       1      0       1    0     0     0             1            0             0          1           0           0
# 3       vomit alcohol time  3       0      0       1    1     0     1             0            0             1          1           0           0
# 4                           4       0      0       1    1     0     0             0            0             0          0           0           0
# 5                           5       0      0       1    1     0     0             0            0             0          0           0           0
# 6 alcohol suicide children  6       1      0       1    0     0     0             1            0             1          0           0           0

CodePudding user response:

Here is a very verbose approach using tidyverse and nnet libraries:


df %>% 
  select(list, id) %>% 
  separate_rows(list) %>% 
  mutate(list = as.factor(list)) %>% 
  cbind((class.ind(.$list) == 1)*1) %>%  # nnet library
  group_by(id) %>% 
  mutate(list = toString(list)) %>% 
  summarise(across(-c(list, V1), sum)) %>% 
  rename_with(., ~paste(., "score", sep = "_")) %>% 
  rename(id = id_score) %>% 
  right_join(df, by= "id") %>% 
  relocate(list:foil2, everything())
 A tibble: 6 x 14
  list                       suicide memory alcohol  time foil1 foil2    id alcohol_score children_score memory_score suicide_score time_score vomit_score
  <chr>                        <dbl>  <dbl>   <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <int>         <dbl>          <dbl>        <dbl>         <dbl>      <dbl>       <dbl>
1 "suicide memory time"            1      1       0     1     0     0     1             0              0            1             1          1           0
2 "suicide vomit time"             1      0       1     0     0     0     2             0              0            0             1          1           1
3 "vomit alcohol time"             0      0       1     1     0     1     3             1              0            0             0          1           1
4 "  "                             0      0       1     1     0     0     4             0              0            0             0          0           0
5 "  "                             0      0       1     1     0     0     5             0              0            0             0          0           0
6 "alcohol suicide children"       1      0       1     0     0     0     6             1              1            0             1          0           0
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