im trying to make a card game. There is something I can't understand:
I have a class named HandManagement that has a list of GameObject and a method AddToHand that add to a list (the hand) a gameobject passed through variable (bringing in hand)
I have a Tile GameObject on the screen with a script that, when collides with mousedown: the variable hand of HandManagement type is called with method AddToHand to add that gameobject to hand (AddToHand(this.gameobject)
When I try unity tells me that the object doesnt exist.. Why?
Thank you
Tile Class:
m_ObjectCollider.isTrigger = true;
tileInHand.PickTile (tileName);
HandManagement Class:
public GameObject tile;
public List<GameObject> hand = new List<GameObject>();
public void PickTile(string pickedTile)
Debug.Log ("picked");
tile = Instantiate (tile);
tile.transform.SetParent (transform, false); //i put it in a grid of hand card
hand.Add (tile); //I add it to the list of card in hand
CodePudding user response:
first of all, change the string to a GameObject, then Instantiate it
public void PickTile(GameObject pickedTile)//change it from string to gameobject
Debug.Log ("picked");
tile = Instantiate (pickedTile);//instantiate the picked tile.
tile.transform.SetParent (transform, false);
hand.Add (tile);
now tile holds the GameObject "pickedTile" so it will be added to the grid and to the hand.
Next, you need to change the referenced object from a string to a GameObject
CodePudding user response:
The Instantiate function copies the object tile into tile, this is empty to begin with. Try instantiating a prefab gameobject into the tile, or make sure gameobject tile is never empty (eg. by setting it in the Start()).