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Is running an R code inside a function faster?


The question is: Does R code run faster in a function?

Consider following examples:

> start<-Sys.time()
> for(i in 1:10000){}
> Sys.time()-start
Time difference of 0.01399994 secs
> fn<-function(){
    for(i in 1:10000){}
> fn()
Time difference of 0.00199604 secs

for(i in 1:10000){x<-100}
Time difference of 0.012995 secs
  for(i in 1:10000){x<-100}
Time difference of 0.008996964 secs

The result is the same after increasing number of iterations as shown below:

> sim<-10000000
> start<-Sys.time()
> for(i in 1:sim){x<-i}
> Sys.time()-start
Time difference of 2.832 secs
> fn<-function(){
    for(i in 1:sim){x<-i}
> fn()
Time difference of 2.017997 secs

I would guess it's not a coincidence!

CodePudding user response:

Functions in R are compiled by the JIT compiler. After this happens, most functions will be faster.

As the docs in ?compiler::enableJIT say,

JIT is disabled if the argument is 0. If level is 1 then larger closures are compiled before their first use. If level is 2, then some small closures are also compiled before their second use. If level is 3 then in addition all top level loops are compiled before they are executed. JIT level 3 requires the compiler option optimize to be 2 or 3. The JIT level can also be selected by starting R with the environment variable R_ENABLE_JIT set to one of these values. Calling enableJIT with a negative argument returns the current JIT level. The default JIT level is 3.

So many functions will be faster than top level code.

CodePudding user response:

Credits and "upvotes" go to @user2554330 please for finding out the reason.

To prove the JIT-behaviour I have used this benchmark:



fn <- function() {
   for(i in 1:10000) {}

microbenchmark(for_loop_without_func = for(i in 1:10000) {},
               for_loop_in_func = fn(),
               times = 100)

The result shows that with disabled JIT the execution time is nearly the same:

Unit: microseconds
                  expr     min       lq     mean   median      uq     max neval
 for_loop_without_func 180.619 180.7990 182.7129 180.9290 181.050 239.489   100
      for_loop_in_func 182.582 182.7075 186.2232 182.7625 182.938 309.912   100

With compiler::enableJIT(3) (which is the default) the function is faster:

Unit: microseconds
                  expr     min       lq      mean   median       uq      max neval
 for_loop_without_func 558.727 574.4875 659.21931 657.3425 702.6475 1984.351   100
      for_loop_in_func  53.019  53.4955  61.59588  53.7260  54.0320  790.632   100
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