Home > Software engineering >  How to get a date string of 3 day3 ago or a day ago by current day of week in Jenkins pipeline scrip
How to get a date string of 3 day3 ago or a day ago by current day of week in Jenkins pipeline scrip


I want to get a last date of weekday, like today-3 if today is Monday or today-1, in Jenkins pipeline script. So I wrote a script like this :

environment {
    TODAY_WEEK = "`date  %u`"    // today is 9/26/2022, so "1"
    LAST = "${env.TODAY_WEEK == "1" ? "`date -d '-3 day'  %Y%m%d`" : "`date -d '-1 day'  %Y%m%d`"}"
    sh( "diff report_${LAST}.json report_${TODAY}.json" )    

But when I run this script, LAST always become date -d '-1 day' regardless current date. So I tried to another method :

environment {
    TODAY_WEEK = "`date  %u`"    // today is 9/26/2022, so "1"
    LAST = getLastDate(env.TODAY_WEEK)
def getLastDate(dayOfWeek) {
    today = new Date()
    if (dayOfWeek.equals("1")) {
        last = today - 3
    } else {
        last = today - 1
    return last.format("yyyyMMdd")

But I got same result - LAST become always date of 'today - 1'. What's wrong with this script?

CodePudding user response:

This pipeline script will help:

pipeline {
    agent any
    environment {
        TODAY_WEEK = sh(returnStdout: true, script: 'date  %u')
    stages {
        stage ('Run'){
            steps {
                 script {
                     today = new Date()
                     if (env.TODAY_WEEK.toInteger() == 1) {
                        testLast = today - 3
                        lastDayofWeek = testLast.format("yyyyMMdd")
                        echo "${lastDayofWeek}"
                     else {
                        testLast = today - 1
                        lastDayofWeek = testLast.format("yyyyMMdd")
                        echo "${lastDayofWeek}"


enter image description here

Reason of not correct output of your job

In your pipeline script, the environment variable TODAY_WEEK is not returning any result and thus the script always fail to invoke the else condition.

You can print the environment variables in Jenkins pipeline using the below:

sh "printenv"
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