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Data always being stored in the same address in elf64 NASM?


I wrote a simple Hello world program in NASM, to then look at using objdump -d out of curiosity. The program is as follows:

  GLOBAL _start

  mov rax, 0x01
  mov rdi, 0x00
  mov rsi, hello_world
  mov rdx, hello_world_len

  mov rax, 0x3C

  hello_world: db "Hello, world!", 0x0A
  hello_world_len: equ $-hello_world

When I inspected this program, I found that the actual implementation of this uses movabs with the hex value 0x402000 in place of a name, which makes sense, except for the fact that surely this would mean that it knows 'Hello, world!' is going to be stored at 0x402000 everytime the program is run, and there is no reference to 'Hello, world!' anywhere in the output of objdump -d hello_world (the output of which I provided below).

I tried rewriting the program; This time I replaced hello_world on line 8 with mov rsi, 0x402000 and the program still compiled and worked perfectly.

I thought maybe it was some encoding of the name, however changing the text 'hello_world' in SECTION .data did not change the outcome either.

I'm more confused than anything - How does it know the address at compile time, and how come it never changes, even on recompilation?

(OUTPUT OF objdump -d hello_world)

./hello_world:   file format elf64-x86-64

Disassembly of section .text:

0000000000401000 <_start>:
  401000: b8 01 00 00 00       mov    $0x1,           
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