Home > Software engineering >  Why I am not able to access a value in the dictionary in C#?
Why I am not able to access a value in the dictionary in C#?


     string[] keys = {

     Dictionary<string, uint> dict = new Dictionary<string, uint>();

     foreach (string key in keys)
          RegistryKey rkey = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey(key, true);

                dict.Add(key, Convert.ToUInt32(rkey.GetValue("Start", RegistryValueKind.DWord))); }
          catch (Exception)



Here I want to access the values of keys in the dictionary. I want to store them like value1 = the value of the first key, value2 = the value of the second key, and so on.

uint value = dict["@\"SYSTEM\\\\CurrentControlSet\\\\Services\\\\XblGameSave\""];

I tried this code but it shows that 'The given key was not present in the dictionary.' The exception it gives is:


Please help me to do so. Thanks in Advance.

CodePudding user response:

The @ before a string means the string is interpreted literally - that means the slashes \ will not mean anything like \r (carriage return) or \t (tab) it's just a literal slash : \r or \t (in this case).

Besides that you don't need to add extra "" to the string, so if you'd seek a value like so:

uint value = dict[@"SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\PcaSvc"];

You're good to go.

You could also write this as

uint value = dict["SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\PcaSvc"];

But you don't need to add \\ (4!) slashes for each slash

To explain a bit further what you're attempting is to seek this:


Which will (for obvious reasons) not work

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